Tarot Card Reader Wanted at a Phoenix Mall (Psychic Powers Not Necessary) May 18, 2016

Tarot Card Reader Wanted at a Phoenix Mall (Psychic Powers Not Necessary)

If you live in Phoenix, this Tarot Card reader position at a mall may be just the job you’re looking for.


They’re not even trying to play the game.

At no point in the ad do they say you need any actual powers. You just need a basic understanding of what the cards mean. And a car to get to the store.

That’s about it. No need to worry about “Egyptian costuming and wigs,” either; they’ll take care of that for you. (You know, for authenticity.)

You can call to set up an interview, though you’d think they’d know you were coming…

My favorite line may be “Do not send an e-mail since I do not see them.”

When it comes to “psychics,” truer words have never been spoken.

(Image via Shutterstock. Thanks to William for the link)

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