A Look at The Satanic Temple’s Creative Demonstrations to Protect Abortion Rights June 17, 2016

A Look at The Satanic Temple’s Creative Demonstrations to Protect Abortion Rights

Over the past couple of years, The Satanic Temple has staged some of the more inventive responses to the pro-life movement. They filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Missouri woman who said it was her religious right to not abide by the state’s 72-hour waiting period for abortions. They countered a counter-demonstration to a pro-life protest that involved pouring several gallons of milk on two women. Another protest involved bondage fetish wear, baby masks, diapers, and group flagellation.

TST PP Detroit-7

Now, Broadly host Callie Beusman has a short film about the Temple’s fight to protect women’s abortion rights.

It’s a lot harder to claim your supernatural friend is against abortion when the Satanists can point to their own version of an imaginary friend who believes the opposite.

(Image via Bruno Vanzieleghem)

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