AZ House Candidate Tells Religious Lobby She Won’t Be “Silent and Subservient” As the Bible Says June 23, 2016

AZ House Candidate Tells Religious Lobby She Won’t Be “Silent and Subservient” As the Bible Says

Democrat Cara Prior is one of the open atheists running to become an Arizona State Representative. And she’s not hiding it as she campaigns.

When the Center for Arizona Policy, a conservative group, sent her a survey asking her about her views on abortion, LGBT rights, church/state separation, and other issues, she responded with a blanket condemnation of their so-called “values.”

Quote Photo - Cara Prior

According to an email from her campaign, she sent the religious lobby group this message:

I am running for office to help fight the biblical based requirements that women should be silent and subservient. I am running for office to show that women can serve equally without being affiliated with any ideological or religious organization. I am running for office to be the voice of all the people in Arizona who are not represented by the current legislature for ideological or religious reasons. It is time to elect people who refuse to bow down to ideologues, religious lobbyists or organizations that promote hate over humanity. It is time to elect people who are not looking for power or prestige, but to serve the people of Arizona regardless of political affiliation or religious beliefs.

It’s a great response, though I’m not sure how well it’ll go over in her very red district. But when you’re the underdog, might as well be honest, let it all out, and see what happens, right?

If you’d like to contribute to her campaign, you can do so right here.

(Image via Jim Hesterman/Spectrum Experience)

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