Pope Francis Creates Commission to Study Historical Role of Female Deacons August 5, 2016

Pope Francis Creates Commission to Study Historical Role of Female Deacons

Pope Francis has formed a commission to study the history of women as deacons in the Catholic Church (a rank just below priests). The findings could lead to the Church to finally change its position on the matter. Because I guess you need 12 people to say “Yes, obviously. Why the hell are we still discussing this?” before it sinks in…

As always, The Onion was quick with reactions:


You can see what others said right here 🙂

Even if the commission supports agrees that women should be in these positions, and the Church makes the change, women would still be ineligible from hearing confessions or consecrating the communion wafers.

Good luck to anyone who wants to offer a rational explanation as to why only men are allowed to hear secrets or say magic words.

If there’s any controversy here at all from within the Church, it may be that if women can become deacons, it’d be much harder to argue that they shouldn’t be allowed in other positions. But why continue bad traditions just because they’re traditions? Sure, it’s the nature of religion to change as little as possible, yet rejecting women as deacons when there’s already a shortage of priests should give Catholics all the more reason to approve this change and the logical consequences of it.

The question is whether they’re wise enough to understand it’s in their best interest to allow women to take on traditionally male roles.

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