The Same-Sex Wedding of Salt Lake City’s Mayor Angered These Facebook Users August 16, 2016

The Same-Sex Wedding of Salt Lake City’s Mayor Angered These Facebook Users

Over the weekend, Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski married her partner Betty Iverson in what appeared to be a lovely ceremony. The news media took notice in part because, let’s face it, how often do you see a lesbian mayor from Utah get married while in office?

But check out the reaction from readers on a local news channel’s Facebook page:

KUTV 2News posted a brief story about the wedding and several people on Facebook, rather than Liking or Loving the post, used a different button altogether:


Dozens of people are angry! I know it’s only a small fraction of all the reactions, but who looks at a wedding photo and thinks, “This pisses me off”? And then publicly declares it?!

It’s Utah. I’ll give you one guess.

(via r/Ex-Mormon)

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