Trump Saying “Pussy” Not As Damning As Clinton Having One, Says “Coach” Dave Daubenmire October 11, 2016

Trump Saying “Pussy” Not As Damning As Clinton Having One, Says “Coach” Dave Daubenmire

Dave Daubenmire — a man best known for having been fired from his job as a football coach after forcing students to pray with him — has some thoughts on the presidential election, especially the failure of American pastors to properly warn their congregations of the dangers of a WOMAN president.

Quelle horreur!

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Daubenmire explains that the BIBLE says that a “woman should not have authority over a man,” and that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, she would have authority over men, and then God would hate that so, so much.

God, he claims, would be way cooler with a “sinful man” having authority over everyone, because that is nowhere near as bad as the woman thing. Women and men may be equal, he concedes, but only in the way that men get to be in charge of everything and women get to do what they say.

“With all that’s going on with Trump and everybody screaming and hollering about that, when is the last time your pastor stood up in the pulpit and said, ‘Hey, listen, we cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because women are not to have authority over men’? If we want to follow the Bible, that would sure be a good place to start, wouldn’t it? Rather than worrying so much about the immorality of a sinful man, what about the biblical principle that when a woman rules over a man … it’s a sign of judgment of the Lord?”

What does that even mean? That if we have a female president it’s going to be because God has judged us as being unworthy of a glorious male president?

Fairly, Coach Dave points out that children are not supposed to have authority over men either. You know, because women and children are basically the same thing, brain-wise.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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