Republicans in Idaho’s House Education Committee Remove Climate Change from Science Standards February 11, 2017

Republicans in Idaho’s House Education Committee Remove Climate Change from Science Standards

A year after Idaho Republicans proposed a bill that would allow public school teachers to reference the Bible in science classes — it was ultimately vetoed — they’re going right at the heart of the subject by altering the science standards.

Not making the cut? Anything to do with climate change.


The House Education Committee voted Thursday to remove references to climate change and human impact on the environment from a new set of science standards.

With Superintendent of Public Instruction Sherri Ybarra’s blessing, committee members adopted a proposed slate of new science standards, after first rejecting five paragraphs that reference rising global temperatures and climate change.

Rep. Scott Syme, R-Caldwell, pushed the committee to reject the climate change language, arguing that the standards did not teach “both sides of the debate.”

“Both sides of the debate” that virtually no scientist is having.

To be clear, even if these standards are approved, teachers (and districts) would still be able to create their own climate change lessons. But when the politicians in charge clearly don’t see the topic as necessary for students to learn, what message is that sending?

The Democrats opposed the decision (with one Republican joining them), but Democrats in Idaho are practically an endangered species:

In a voice vote, the committee’s three Democrats voted against striking climate change language. Eleven Republicans appeared to support the language change. Rep. Paul Amador, R-Coeur d’Alene, favored the standards as originally written. An roll call vote was not called.

Give them time. I’m sure a revised set of standards will eventually include Noah’s Ark and a 6,000-year-old Earth.

(via National Center for Science Education. Image via Shutterstock)

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