What Would Christopher Hitchens Have Said About Donald Trump’s Administration? March 1, 2017

What Would Christopher Hitchens Have Said About Donald Trump’s Administration?

After taking multiple necessary shots of Johnnie Walker Black Label whisky, what would Christopher Hitchens have said about Donald Trump? A panel of people who knew Hitchens well, including his widow, shared their thoughts on a recent episode of Charlie Rose (guest-hosted by John Hockenberry).


One panelist notes that while Hitchens would’ve detested Trump, he would’ve had very little love for Hillary Clinton, whom he would’ve blamed for Trump’s meteoric rise. Which sounds about right. Hitchens wasn’t beholden to one party or another and would’ve found a way to make everyone angry. That is, when you didn’t agree with him completely. It’s one reason he’s missed.

(Thanks to Brian for the link)

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