Pastor Who Said Pulse Nightclub Victims Got “What They Deserve” Found Guilty of Child Molestation April 11, 2017

Pastor Who Said Pulse Nightclub Victims Got “What They Deserve” Found Guilty of Child Molestation

Days after the massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Georgia Pastor Kenneth Adkins tweeted that he had “been through so much with these Jacksonville Homosexuals that I don’t see none of them as victims. I see them as getting what they deserve!!”

He later said he was referring only to local citizens who were advocating for anti-discrimination laws, but even if you give him that benefit of the doubt, that tweet and others were very clearly anti-gay and hardly sympathetic toward the victims of the shooting. He wanted the ability to discriminate against LGBT Americans, all in the name of Jesus. Because he’s a devout Christian, and that’s what Good Christians do.

Well, wouldn’t you know it, last August, Adkins was arrested for multiple charges of child molestation.


And today, a jury found him guilty on eight separate counts of the crime (the details of which are at that link):

The controversial, anti-gay pastor showed no emotion as the verdict was read. He will be sentenced April 25. Georgia has strict mandatory minimum sentencing laws; and because Adkins, 57, has a prior record, there’s a possibility he will never again be a free man.

Once again, it appears that children need far more protection from a Christian pastor than they need from LGBT people.

(via Joe. My. God. Large portions of this article were published earlier)

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