Stephen Colbert Gets a Lesson on Quantum Physics from Brian Greene June 30, 2017

Stephen Colbert Gets a Lesson on Quantum Physics from Brian Greene

Physicist Brian Greene appeared on The Late Show the other night to discuss the famous double-slit experiment — which just celebrated its 90th anniversary. He also helped Stephen Colbert conduct a lesson on quantum physics that involves liquid nitrogen, levitation, and magnets.

Don’t ask me to explain what’s going on. But your kids will enjoy watching it.


Maybe the most important thing Greene said was at the beginning of the segment. Colbert asked if scientists have been affected by the current administration. Greene’s response?

It’s utterly awful… For more than 50 years, science has driven innovation, prosperity… look, if you want to make America great again, you make America smart, you make America think, and you keep America at the frontier of science.

Here’s to Colbert bringing more scientists on his show. It’s way more interesting than most of the actors.

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