Two Worshipers Have Reportedly Drowned During a River Baptism in Tanzania July 17, 2017

Two Worshipers Have Reportedly Drowned During a River Baptism in Tanzania

You know, I’ve seen these kinds of stories many times before. They always lack details. They always seem sketchy. There are never any pictures or videos to go along with them.

But if the BBC is reporting it


Tanzanian police have detained a pastor after two worshippers drowned while being baptised in a river near Rombo in the north of the country.

The two victims were overwhelmed by the current of the River Ungwasi, a police spokesman has told the BBC.

I don’t know how much of this is true. But it wouldn’t be the first time believers have done idiotic things — or put themselves in dangerous situations — because they wrongly assumed God was watching over them.

Maybe it’s a hoax. I hope that’s the case. But if a pastor’s been detained, maybe we’ll get more details soon enough.

(Screenshot via YouTube)

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