Richard Dawkins Has a Lot of Sensible Advice for Donald Trump August 10, 2017

Richard Dawkins Has a Lot of Sensible Advice for Donald Trump

Donald Trump isn’t known for listening to good advice. Or listening, period. But in an interview with Scientific American, Richard Dawkins was asked what he would say to the President if given the opportunity.

His response was excellent.


What advice would I give? Get your news, not from FOX but from all the sources available to a president, many of them not available to the rest of us. Announce your decisions after due consideration and consultation, not impulsively on Twitter. Cultivate common good manners when dealing with people. Do not be misled by the crowds that cheer your boorish rudeness: they are a minority of the American people.

Listen to experts better qualified than you are. Especially scientists. Be guided by evidence and reason, not gut feeling. By far the best way to assess evidence is the scientific method. Indeed, it is the only way if we interpret “scientific” broadly. In particular — since the matter is so urgent and it may already be too late — listen to scientists when they tell you about the looming catastrophe of climate change.

Even Dawkins, though, knew better than to think his advice would ever receive a positive reception.

No I don’t think I could reason with Trump. Why would I succeed where so many have failed?

There’s an easy way to fix this. The next time Dawkins goes on Fox News, he should just repeat all of that. Ignore whatever dumb questions he’s asked and just read all that. Very slowly.

It’s the best chance we have of talking sense into Trump.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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