A Middle School Basketball Coach Shouldn’t Brag About Team Prayers on Twitter February 22, 2018

A Middle School Basketball Coach Shouldn’t Brag About Team Prayers on Twitter

If you’re a middle school basketball coach, you shouldn’t be praying with your students before a game. That’s coercive and illegal.

If you break the law for Jesus anyway, you definitely shouldn’t take a picture of that prayer.

And if you take a picture of that prayer, you shouldn’t put it up on social media like Eric Stafford did with his team at Dillard Drive Middle School in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Because of that blatant disregard of the law, Freedom From Religion Foundation attorney Patrick Elliott is asking the Wake County Public School System to step in and stop it.

Coach Stafford and Coach Davis represent the school when they are acting as team coaches. Therefore, they cannot lead their team in prayer and cannot organize, participate in, or advocate for team prayer either.

We ask that the school district take immediate action to stop any and all school-sponsored prayers occurring as a part of WCPSS events.

It’s pathetic that adults have to be reminded that they’re being paid to coach the kids, not preach to them or pray with them. But because this coach had to brag about it, it may finally come to an end.

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