If a Christian Yells About Bathrooms in a Target Store and No One Hears It, Does It Count? May 16, 2016

If a Christian Yells About Bathrooms in a Target Store and No One Hears It, Does It Count?

In a video posted by preacher Angela Cummings, you see her and her partner inside a car plotting to scream the words of Jesus inside of a Target store in Glen Falls, New York because of the company’s transgender-inclusive bathroom policy.

She makes a one-minute trip through the mostly empty store, yelling about how the company is making God angry by “allowing men to go in the little girls’ bathroom,” before walking smugly back to her car as if she just converted everyone who heard her.

As if she did something courageous.

As if everyone at Target wasn’t thinking, “How did she escape the asylum?”



I still don’t understand the logic of Christians who think this is a useful form of protest. At the very least, why not yell outside the corporate headquarters instead of at the people who have no control over the policy decisions?

Oh, who am I kidding? These people don’t think through things at all. If they did, they would spend more time considering if their arguments make any sense, not how loud they can shout them.

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