Secular Group Showcase: Tri-State Freethinkers September 4, 2014

Secular Group Showcase: Tri-State Freethinkers

We asked you to tell us about your local secular group in an attempt to encourage the start-up and growth of “good without god” communities. We’ve received a lot of responses already (Thanks!) and here’s a glimpse at our next group: The Tri-State Freethinkers in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana:

They spoke about the best reaction they ever received:

When we marched in the Pride Parade they put us in the middle of all the churches. We were a breath of fresh air and got a lot of cheers when we walked by.

You can read more of our interview here!

Want to be featured in this series? If you can fill out most of the questions below, your group is probably a good candidate to be showcased on our page. We hope to hear from you! E-mail submissions to!

Group name:


Mission Statement:

Links to group’s Facebook. website, Twitter, etc.:

When was your group established?

What does your group do for fun to connect with each other?

What community/volunteer activities does your group participate in, if any?

What political/social activism does your group do, if any?

Does your group have a favorite charity to fundraise for or promote?

Do you have any stories to share about your city having a positive reaction to your group?

What are some challenges your group has faced?

What advice would you like to share with other groups struggling to grow or are just starting up?

**Please attach some photos of your group as a whole, in action, and having fun**

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