A Dying Atheist Shares the Bad Medical Advice He’s Getting in This Book Parody June 10, 2017

A Dying Atheist Shares the Bad Medical Advice He’s Getting in This Book Parody

Crispian Jago is an atheist who has created some of the most viral and thoughtful irreligious graphics on the internet. That includes the Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense, the Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense, the Conspiracy Theory Flowchart, a religious parody of Chutes and Ladders, and a Hierarchy of Religious Fanaticism.

He’s brilliant, as you can tell. That’s why it’s so damn depressing to learn that Crispian has renal cancer. It’s serious enough that doctors are giving him no more than 18 months to live. But his sense of humor hasn’t let up one bit.

Crispian created a fake chapter of a children’s book documenting his medical problems alone with the unscientific “cures” people are offering him.


You have to read the whole thing. The silver lining, if you can call it that, is that Crispian is following the advice of actual doctors. Ones who accept science. That gives him the best chance he has of prolonging his life.

(via Pharyngula)

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