Don't Be Satisfied with Tolerance

Ultimately, tolerance has the weakness of its essentially passive nature. It has good uses, but it is not the highest or most constructive form of interaction with our fellow men. Its virtue lies principally in being the antithesis of intolerance. That cannot be said of love as opposed to hate: love is a positive source of such power that it transforms everything in its path. Tolerance requires intolerance in order to matter. Love, by contrast, came first, when there was no hate, and rules a kingdom of its own in which hate has no citizenship.

We would be wise not to leave it to the sheriff departments and the public schools to teach our children not to be anti-Semitic or racist. Tolerance is commendable, but inadequate to the task.

5/1/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Evangelical
  • The Optimistic Christian
  • Anti-Semitism
  • California
  • politics
  • Racism
  • Tolerance
  • Christianity
  • Evangelicalism
  • J. E. Dyer
    About J. E. Dyer
    J.E. Dyer is a retired Naval intelligence officer and evangelical Christian. She retired in 2004 and blogs from the Inland Empire of southern California. She writes for Commentary's CONTENTIONS blog, Hot Air's Green Room, and her own blog, The Optimistic Conservative. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.