Medical research in recent years has uncovered many physical and mental benefits that Yoga offers,...
It's a real issue today for overcoming mental health struggles. In recent years, mental health...
"Hate the sin, love the sinner" passes the lips of many Christians without a second thought....
President Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, lived an exemplary life of my...
What could God have meant by saying to Adam, “You shall surely die?” Was he referring to spiritual...
Have you heard of the three rings of magickal protection? This is a technique that I learned from...
Visiting Jerusalem during the peak of the Israel/Palestine conflict comes with political...
In this conversation, Peter Rollins discusses the themes of loss, death, and redemption. He shares...
When the Pentecostal movement began in April of 1906 (though it could be argued it began earlier),...