May 9, 2024

A primary role of a shepherd is to feed his flock. This involves leading them to good pastures to graze. When the flock isn’t properly nourished, bad things can happen. The sheep may suffer needlessly from hunger or they may wander off and consume harmful substances. Similar outcomes happen when a congregation isn’t adequately nourished. As a shepherd, or pastor, your job is to help us grow in our faith, and become more like Christ. However, there are certain teaching habits that can hinder our growth and prevent us from fully embracing God's plan for our lives. In this article, we’ll explore five such habits and understand how they can be detrimental to God's people. By recognizing and addressing these patterns, we can strive towards a more fulfilling and transformative spiritual journey. So, without further ado, here are 5 teaching habits that starve the body of Christ. Read more

April 23, 2024

April 22 is Earth Day in the U.S. and in many other parts of the world. I remember learning about it in elementary school, maybe in the third grade. My class drew posters of the earth and then we went outside as a group and started to pick up trash. We even had a little parade—-or something like that. The older I get the more my memories escape me, but from that point on, I would always remember Earth Day and how important it was to take care of the earth and try to "save the earth." What is Earth Day and should believers acknowledge or celebrate it? Let’s start with some brief facts about the history and purpose of this day, celebrated around the world. Read more

April 15, 2024

The above quote captures the reason many oppose preaching salvation by faith alone. As well as being offensive to God's holiness, it deceives people into thinking they’re saved by having no more than an intellectual belief in God, without changing their wicked lifestyles, and without turning from their sins. Because of this, so many poor saps are headed for destruction, and they don't even realize it. Read more

March 30, 2024

We're taught that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is, and if it sounds like the deal of the century, check the fine print since there’s gotta be more to it. Therefore, it can’t be that we need to simply believe in or verbally acknowledge the Almighty Creator without any other action on our part. Or can it? Read more

March 12, 2024

Baptism in water. Is it required for eternal life? In the world of Christianity, this is another highly debated topic. According to many, baptism in water is essential for salvation. Others believe baptism is important, but not a requirement to become a child of God. But what does the Bible have to say about water baptism? Is it necessary for salvation? Read more

February 16, 2024

It’s hard to find a Christian or any believer who disagrees with this. It's a reasonable expectation, and it's straightforward. However, our individual perceptions of what this command means may be a bit more complex, as some individuals from other religions accuse Christians of rebelling against this teaching, either willfully or ignorantly.  Read more

January 29, 2024

God's wrath is brought on by idolatry (Lk. 16:13). Because it's a serious offense, we should know what it is. According to Britannica, idolatry is “the worship of someone or something other than God as though it were God'' (Britannica). This definition is one that many know and accept, but is there a deeper meaning of idolatry? Grab your Bible and your favorite googling device and let’s find out. Read more

January 15, 2024

There are many things Christians say to each other that are either prideful, belittling, or simply silly and uncalled for. Some are also misleading. However, they're wildly popular in the Christian community and it’s gotten out of hand. Whether you’re a victim or an offender, it's okay. Together we can put an end to this nonsense and it begins by being informed. So, below you’ll find a list of 3 things Christians should stop saying to each other. Read more

January 3, 2024

It's hard for me to stomach too many "worship" services these days. Why? Because in some congregations, what's supposed to be a time of corporate praise and honor to God has become nothing more than a music concert or talent show, complete with a self-centered message and a beggar's prayer. People dance around, sing and laugh, then go home feeling good about themselves, but what does God get out of it? Does this constitute worshiping the Lord? Read more

December 18, 2023

This passage has been used by some Christians to argue against the deity of Christ. Others use it to argue that Jesus is God. But first, let's answer the essential question, “Did Jesus say he isn't good?” Read more

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