How Shamans Heal: A Q&A With Alberto Villoldo

It is commonplace that when a person is in need and ready for healing of the light body, a shaman will appear in their lives. Signs of an energetic imbalance can range from physical to emotional distress or discomfort.

  • What types of complaints or problems can a shaman help heal through this kind of work?

We treat clients with both physical and emotional issues. Some, for instance, may be constantly attracted to the same type of partner who is not good for them. Once the imprint which attracts unfavorable partners is cleared through the Illumination process, the individual will cease to attract those partners.

On the physical realm, I had a man who initially came to me with marital problems and I saw a dark spot in his energy field just above his chest. I asked him about his history with heart disease and family history, and to both he said no. Nevertheless I worked on his heart chakra. A few days later my patient called to inform me that his brother had just undergone an emergency quadruple bypass surgery. The Luminous Energy Field can reveal a condition years before it manifests in the physical body.

  • A more advanced healing practice is Soul Retrieval. Can a person actually lose his or her soul? How does that happen?

During a Soul Retrieval the shaman helps a person access a soul part which became unavailable to them at a time of trauma in their life. It is a traumatic event which causes the soul to fracture. The shaman will help rewrite disempowering contracts with life and reclaim and embody their life's essence in their experience, helping them to step into a life of grace and abundance.

  • What happens during a Soul Retrieval? Does the client personally experience anything?

The Laika, or Inka medicine men and women, divide the collective unconscious of humanity into three parts: the Lower, Middle and Upper worlds. These are archetypical and energetic domains, not physical places. The Middle world is the one where we live our day-to-day lives, the Upper World is the invisible domain of our destiny and our spirit, and the Lower world is where all of the record of human history is held, it is the realm of the soul.

A shaman journeys to the Lower world in order to retrieve what is necessary for the individual to reintegrate the lost soul part of their client. Journeying is a unique state of consciousness that the shaman experiences, which allows her/him to revisit the past and heal events that happened long ago and to find more desirable destinies for clients. The shaman helps the client recognize and honor the traumatic event which caused the original fracturing and to renegotiate the sacred soul contracts that were written as a result. Many of these contracts were terrible obligations we entered into during fear and stress at the time of the original wounding, and we no longer need them.

The healed soul part can then be retrieved and reintegrated. A gift can also be part of the Soul Retrieval and can individual reintegrate and enhance the experience of the Soul Retrieval helping the client achieve his/her best destiny.

A Soul Retrieval is a deeply personal experience and is a unique to each person.

  • Why did you leave a more traditional medical background to a more spiritual path?

My training is as a medical anthropologist versus a medical doctor. As a medical anthropologist, I was curious about other healing systems around the world. Modern medicine, which is wonderful for healing trauma (such as injuries from an automobile accident) is terrible for healing chronic conditions. At a laboratory at San Francisco State University that I directed we were studying how we create psychosomatic disease and whether we could create psychosomatic health. I realized that to find the answer I had to go study with the experts who were in true primitive societies without technology – all they had was the mind's ability to heal the body.


11/1/2015 4:00:00 AM
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