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Another word that can be used in place of belief is trust. Still another word is faith. We all have faith and use it daily. Faith is not exclusively a religious concept. It is the way that things work in our universe. When you sit on a chair, you have faith that it will hold you up. Without faith, we would not get out of bed in the morning, and for that matter, we might not even go to sleep because we don’t really know if we will ever wake up again! You see, faith is all around us, and we exercise it every moment of every day. Faith is a choice. The real question we all need to answer is this, “In what or in whom do I choose to invest my faith?”

I am sure that you have heard the phrase preaching to the choir. I began to write this book to some of those folks in the choir, the Christians that don’t understand the what or why of their beliefs. I also wanted to do my best to bring clarity to who the God of the Bible is and what He is doing in His interactions with His creation of mankind. This is how the title, The Character and Nature of GOD, came about. Then, I began to realize that the scope of the book had the potential to reach those who aren’t in the choir because they don’t even believe in God! This is where the main title of the book, Ideolatry, began to take shape. I will explain how that term came about and how I define it in Chapter 2, Mergers and Acquisitions.

Several times during the course of writing this book, situations from real life, like the young man that I described earlier, told me that I was on the right track.

I wanted to present knowledge of God from a different perspective and explore the way in which He deals with us.

God is and always has been there for us, and exploration of what is actually written in the Bible will provide the reader with a clearer understanding of who God is and how He interacts with human kind. Goals of this work are to educate, reveal truth, promote understanding and simply provide awareness of certain aspects of God’s Word while leaving the decision to the reader whether the God of the Bible is who He says He is.

11/29/2018 9:23:14 PM