Hope Reborn: Read an Excerpt

Thank Him for dying for you and rising from the dead for you.

One definition of a Christian is: "Someone who believes in the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and lives their life in light of the implications of that event."

The idea that Jesus' physical resurrected body left behind an empty tomb is the foundation of Christianity. Why would we follow a dead man? Only Jesus' resurrection could have convinced the frightened disciples to begin the fastest growing movement the world has ever known. They did not gain riches, fame, or power, but rather persecution, torture and death, and yet none of them denied their faith.

Nothing other than Jesus' resurrection can make sense of the phenomenal growth and persistence of the Church throughout the ages, despite many attempts to stamp it out. Almost anywhere you go in the world today you will meet Christians. They worship in different ways, and even believe some different things. But they all agree that Jesus rose again, He is alive! There is no more important question than, "Did Jesus rise from the dead?" This is the foundation on which the Christian faith stands or falls. As Paul explains, if Jesus were still dead then we would have no hope (1 Corinthians 15:14-19).

If you find the idea of Jesus conquering death and leaving behind an empty tomb difficult to believe, ask God to reveal the truth to you. An article which examines the evidence for Jesus' resurrection is available free online at adrianwarnock.com/resurrection. If you want to become a Christian you must change your mind about Jesus, and accept Him as the risen Lord. God does not ask you to repent, become perfect, and then one day He might be pleased with you. He promises that if you simply trust in Him, then He accepts you already. The most quoted verse in the Bible promises us that if we have faith in Jesus we will live forever with Him:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

CONCLUSION We hope this page has made it clear that becoming a Christian is neither learned nor earned. It is a free gift from God. This is the simple gospel message. Don't let anyone tell you it is more complicated than this:

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (Romans 10:13)

If you are ready to become a Christian right now, pray to Jesus: Thank Jesus for dying for you on the cross. Tell Him you believe in His resurrection. Talk to Jesus about your past, the good and the bad. Repent of your sins by asking Him for forgiveness. Acknowledge Jesus as Lord of your life and tell Him that you will worship Him. Invite Him to take control of your life and live in you. Tell Jesus that you will now follow Him for the rest of your life.

If you prayed something like this, and believed it in your heart, you are now a Christian, and may we be the first to welcome you into God's family.

Who will you tell first?

KEY BIBLE VERSES: Acts 2:37-41, Romans 10:9-13, John 3:1-21

9/11/2014 4:00:00 AM
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