"10 Prayers You Can't Live Without": Read an Excerpt

As I said, we're all amateurs at prayer. You can practice a prayer in your head, like a conversation you expect to have with your boss. You want to get the words right. You want to make sure you're understood. But don't forget that every thought you've phrased and rephrased in your mind has been heard and understood better than you could have expressed it.

"Search me, O God, and know my heart," the psalmist says. "Try me and know my thoughts."

Every writer hopes to be read, but I would be just as happy if you stopped reading me, dog-eared a page or marked a spot in your e-reader and prayed instead. A doctor I interviewed once told me that for him, reading was a form of prayer. I believe that. Would that reading this book feels like prayer to you (writing it certainly has been for me). A good read makes me want to talk to the author. But in this case if you talked to our Maker, I would feel like I really accomplished something.

3/1/2016 5:00:00 AM
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