Michael Hryniuk
Michael W. Hryniuk is a Catholic theologian, author, speaker, and consultant specializing in the field of contemporary Christian spirituality, ministry development and contemplative formation. His research and consulting focuses on the dynamics of healing and spiritual transformation in the context of community and organizational life.
He is the author of Growth In Communion: A Theology of Spiritual Transformation (Cambria Press, forthcoming) as well as numerous academic and popular articles on the themes of youth ministry, contemplative spirituality, and Trinitarian theology. He currently teaches at the Faculty of Theology, St. Michael's College in Toronto, Canada and at St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia in the Diploma Program for Human Care and Assisted Living. Prior to this, he was named the inaugural director of the Henri Nouwen Society of Canada and the U.S. and Associate Director of the John Main Center for Meditation and Inter-Religious Dialogue at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. He was also the Co-Director of the Youth Ministry and Spirituality Project at San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, California.
Dr. Hryniuk now directs Theosis Resources, a consulting practice whose mission is to support contemplative formation and renewal in parishes, schools, dioceses and denominational bodies. He continues to consult, lead workshops, direct retreats and teach Christian spirituality at churches, renewal centers, seminaries, and universities across the United States and Canada.