Patheos Featured Writers

Rahuldeep Gill
Patheos Author

Dr. Rahuldeep Singh Gill was born in India, but was raised and educated in the United States. He holds his doctorate from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in Religious Studies. He is currently the assistant professor of religion at California Lutheran University where he teaches a variety of religion courses, focusing on Sikh history and doctrine, but also teaching Introduction to Christianity and Religions of South Asia.

Professor Gill's work has focused on the evolution of Sikh institutions over five hundred years of the tradition's history, as well as the interaction of Sikhs, Muslims, and Hindus. His research explores the life and works of the Sikh tradition's most important interpretive writer, Bhai Gurdas Bhalla (d. 1636), and his scholarly articles have been published widely, including in the Encyclopedia of Indian Religions, and the Journal of Punjab Studies.

Works by Rahuldeep Gill
Sikh-Americans: Drawing on a Rich Heritage
Rahuldeep Gill | July 01, 2015
If Sikh-Americans serve the needy out of a deep commitment to service, justice, and......
Finding a Way Forward
Rahuldeep Gill | August 13, 2012
How can we raise our son to be a good Sikh and a faithful American?...