10 Small Ways To Uplift A Loved One


When someone you love is suffering, you want to do everything within your power to ease their burden. But it’s not often a matter of what you want, and finding the right words can be difficult.

So, how can you show a friend, family member or partner that you’re present? How can you share your faith in a way that uplifts them? The answers may be easier than you think.

1. Go for a Walk

If your loved one is so lethargic that they don’t want to leave the couch, you can help motivate them. It’s okay to wallow sometimes, but too much of it can lead to a vicious downward spiral of increasing isolation.

Ask your loved one to join you for a walk. Doing so provides uninterrupted time to talk, free from distracting devices. They won’t feel as pressured to look at their phone when engaged in another activity.

Physical movement also helps to counter depression and anxiety by stimulating endorphin flow and reducing stress hormone levels. Keep that in mind as you walk, and share a verse that resonates with you.

Here’s one for inspiration.

Psalm 55:22: Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.

2. Surprise Them With a Gift

Who doesn’t enjoy a surprise? You don’t have to spend much money to send the message, “I love you and was thinking of you.”

Delight your loved one with their favorite candy bar when you stop by the store for gas on your way home. You can even brighten someone’s day with a free bouquet of wildflowers if you pass a field that’s in bloom. (As long as they don’t have allergies!)

3. Draw Them a Bath

Does your loved one desperately need to relax? One of the best ways to do so is by sinking into a luxurious bath, but many people feel guilty indulging themselves.

Help them out by creating the ultimate bath experience — you can surprise them when they come home from work. Create an ambiance with small electric candles and leave plenty of their favorite reading material near the tub.

You can even buy them a book, perhaps by C.S. Lewis, a devout Christian. He explores grief in such books as The Problem of Pain and A Grief Observed.

4. Share Reading Material

Concerning books, have you read anything uplifting lately? Why not share the healing words you found with a loved one who could use encouragement?

Delight them with an inspirational volume that restores their faith. You can also find uplifting nondenominational classics like Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking.”

Other inspirational books include:

  • God Will Carry You Through by Max Lucado
  • Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel
  • Called for a Purpose by Tony Evans

5. Cook a Fun New Recipe Together

Food is life, but more than that, it’s a link to connection and love. Break bread with your friend, family member or partner and enjoy that experience together. It may be fleeting, but it will stay with them after you’ve left.

As for recipes, you have a lot of comfort food to choose from. Maybe they’re in the mood for Maine seafood chowder paired with a lobster grilled cheese? If they’re vegetarian, consider something a little lighter, like mushroom Bolognese.

6. Plan a Getaway

Sometimes, what your loved one needs most is a change of scenery. They may need to get away now more than ever, especially after staring at the same four walls for the past year.

Why not take out a state map, throw a dart, and search for nearby attractions? You can take a day trip to a site of interest or plan a weekend escape.

7. Help Them Connect

The world is more convenient than ever, thanks to technology. However, your loved one could feel left out if they struggle with the latest gadgets.

Help them get connected. You can set up their smart home devices so they can call a loved one on their tablet or turn on the lights by speaking a voice command.

8. Have a Movie Night

Sometimes, what your loved one needs most is to lose themselves in mindless entertainment. If nothing else, it wouldn’t hurt to turn off the news.

Instead, select an uplifting movie with a positive message. You can’t go wrong with timeless classics like “It’s a Wonderful Life” — why not celebrate Christmas in July with a screening?

9. Unite Your Volunteer Mission

Depressed loved ones can sometimes seem uninterested in participating in activities. See if you can get them off the couch to volunteer. Why?

Doing good for others releases a flood of feel-good neurotransmitters that improve your mood. You and your loved one can also enjoy a sense of satisfaction from helping.

10. Pray Together

You can find comfort in prayer. If your loved one shares your faith, offer to worship with them.

Many houses of worship now livestream their services if your loved one can’t attend in-person due to health concerns. You can also get out your Bible and recite psalms of comfort.

Uplift Your Loved One These 10 Small Ways

When someone you love is hurting, you want to do whatever you can to help. Uplift them with these 10 suggestions and know that you’re doing your best.

Oscar Collins is a Pennsylvania native with a passion for writing and community outreach. He's the managing editor at Modded where he writes about a variety of topics like relationships, mental health and similar subject matter. Follow him on Twitter @TModded for frequent updates on his work!

3/17/2022 6:11:35 PM
  • featured writer
  • pray
  • walking
  • read
  • Service
  • compassion and kindness
  • Uplift
  • loved one
  • Oscar Collins
    About Oscar Collins
    Oscar Collins is a Pennsylvania native with a passion for writing and community outreach. He's the managing editor at Modded where he writes about a variety of topics like relationships, mental health and similar subject matter. Follow him on Twitter @TModded for frequent updates on his work!