November 18, 2022

When I say I didn’t have friends in seminary, I’m exaggerating. I met many wonderful people and connected more deeply with a handful of them. But I also sensed some disconnects between myself and the “typical” seminary student (which I know is a loaded phrase in itself). I had some issues. My issues had to do with the types of theological discussions people wanted to have, our reasons for having them, and the qualities these conversations tended to carry. Discussion... Read more

November 16, 2022

What Christianity means to me has changed dramatically over time. I’ve considered myself a Christian my entire life—baptized at three months old, prayed a prayer asking Jesus into my heart around preschool age, never really had a time when I didn’t go to church. But what Christian faith and practice looks like in my life now is radically different from five years ago, ten years ago, twenty years ago. There are so many things I think about differently. This is... Read more

November 10, 2022

Welcome to Always Re-forming. This is a column about faith that forms and re-forms, faith that is always being transformed by the living God whose Spirit breathes in unpredictable ways. I’m glad you’re here. My name is Liz, and I have no illusions of knowing all the things or having everything together. In this space I’ll explore what I have been learning and continue to learn. I hope something in the journey resonates with you. I hope we can learn... Read more

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