How to Make Bible Study More Engaging: 5 Tips

How to Make Bible Study More Engaging: 5 Tips December 7, 2021

“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, ‘If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” – John 8:31-32

Reading the Bible in a community setting is one of the best ways to grow as a Christian. Bible studies bring together people with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and unique questions in a safe, supportive environment. 

Unfortunately, many people aren’t used to reading and can slip into lecture mode during Bible study instead of deeply engaging with the material. Here are five ways you can make your Bible study more engaging.

1. Use the Socratic Method

One of the best ways to engage others during Bible study is to make sure everyone is involved in the learning process. If your study is in a lecture format and the only engagement from others is taking notes, the people coming to your study won’t remember very much.

In order for deep learning to occur, study members need to join the conversation. Organize your study so that everyone gets a chance to share their thoughts, ask questions, and read out loud. This teaching format is known as the Socratic method, and it can dramatically increase engagement for learners. 

2. Study a Theme

The Bible is filled with stories that reveal God’s character. You can read it straight through or study one book at a time. However, because the Bible is a work of literature, it can be also be studied from a literary perspective

Sometimes, changing up your approach can increase engagement as members see how Scripture applies to them personally. Try studying a single word, concept, or theme that runs from the Old to the New Testament. You could also do a deep dive into history to give perspective to a single book. 

3. Add Another Activity

Although the point of a Bible study is to study the Bible, you can combine that with another activity for a long night of fellowship and fun. Plan a game night, group hike, or potluck, and incorporate Bible study into part of the event. 

Time spent in nature and with community can teach you many things about God’s character. In Psalm 65:8, King David touched on this when he said, “They who dwell at the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the sunrise and the sunset shout for joy.”

God’s word should always be treated with reverence, but it’s also full of stories about the messy side of life. Combining your study with a fun community event can help members make the connection between spirituality and its impact on everyday life. 

4. Respond to Art

For centuries, artists have depicted key scenes from the Bible that show their perception of Biblical characters, God’s nature, and the human condition. Pairing works of art with your Bible study can help members question their perception of what they’re reading and gain more from a specific passage. 

Have members spend time looking at the art you choose and noting what they see. Then, read the corresponding Bible passages together, and talk about their differences and similarities. What is different culturally? What details are included in the text that aren’t in the artwork, and vice versa? Does the art communicate the same message as the text? 

5. Let Someone Else Lead

To mix it up even more, consider letting someone else lead. You could even all take turns leading and learning from each other. When someone has to lead Bible study, they’re more likely to spend time reading the text, asking questions, and learning on a deep level. 

Letting someone else lead is also a good reminder that the outcome of your Bible study isn’t up to you. Your faithfulness matters, but members have to seek God in their own lives to experience growth, which ultimately comes from relationship with Him

In John 14:26, Jesus told his disciples, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” Coming together to study God’s Word is an invitation for the Holy Spirit to move.

Lean In Together

Spending time in God’s Word allows the Holy Spirit to speak to you, reminding everyone who comes of God’s character, His kindness, and His nearness. Group Bible studies can also challenge members to consider new perspectives and recognize areas where they need to grow. 

Use these five tips to engage members in your Bible study and encourage them to lean deeper into relationship with the God who loves them. 

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