Everyday Miracles: Everyday Blessings

Everyday Miracles: Everyday Blessings January 15, 2025

Standing firm with the daily miracles in our lives.

Many assume that miracles are rare, seldom happening to us personally. We may fail to recognize the everyday miracles constantly occurring in our lives.

I challenge you to think about the past 24 hours. In my experience, continual everyday miracles occur in our lives that we easily miss if we are looking through the wrong eyes.

A Moving Miracle

From one of those everyday miracles that bless us, I live with my family in Florida today. It would have been difficult for our family to see the miracle when it happened 11 years ago. We had some financial issues resulting from a failed business deal. This left us in a poor financial condition, in need of a place to go where we could start again.

We chose to move to Florida because my parents already lived there and we wanted to be close to family. Also we were attracted by Florida’s nickname as the sunshine state; our previous state was known for being dark and dreary for several months a year.

My parents allowed us to stay with them while we searched for new employment, began to familiarize ourselves with our surroundings, and figured out a new place to live. When we allowed ourselves to focus on the circumstances that had brought us to this point, anger and discouragement could easily creep in.

But we experienced a moment of joy while walking to the beach on a warm day, realizing that without the challenges that had caused us so much stress and discouragement, we wouldn’t be experiencing the joy of living in Florida.

We were blessed by tribulations that we had experienced. As we were able to see our situation in a different light, we realized the miracle in it.

Miracles in Thinking Celestial

Just recognizing the Lord’s hand in our lives has been a miracle and a huge step towards living a joy-filled life. The more we recognize His miracles, the easier it becomes for us to see the world with a celestial view.

When President Nelson reminded us to think celestial, he was reminding us to recognize the blessings in our lives. He was reminding us to be grateful and live with purpose—to have a clear, focused vision of what the Lord wants us to see, not what the world wants us to see.

The Lord has told us, “If your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things” (D&C 88:67).

A body filled with light is a miracle. Comprehending is miraculous.

 Miracles of Sight

My daughter learned the importance of having clear, focused physical vision when she went to the DMV to take her driver’s license test. She admits that prior to this she thought everyone saw the world as she did, with blurry vision, needing to be really close to signs before being able to read them.

At the DMV she read the letters on the chart out loud so badly that the person helping her thought she was reading the wrong line. My daughter then realized that she needed glasses. After an eye examination that measured her sight, she was helped to pick out glasses that fit her exact needs. Once she had the right glasses, a whole new world of eyesight was available to her.

Christ healed men without eyesight during His ministry on earth—amazing miracles for all who witnessed them. However, we need to realize that we are blessed by more significant everyday miracles when Christ heals our spiritual blindness and allows us to have vision with more spiritual “celestial” eyes.

Heart Sight

Helen Keller, who was both blind and deaf, wrote, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. Better to be blind and see with your heart, than to have two good eyes and see nothing.”

The everyday miracle blessing of thinking celestial is like seeing with your heart. Your heart needs to lead your eyes and your vision; do not allow what you see with your worldly eyes (e.g., your treasure) to corrupt your heart. As the Savior told His disciples, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Luke 12:34).

It is also true that if we have a grateful, humble heart, filled with love, then our desires will be to obtain the treasures of God. Bishop Gérald Caussé counseled,

When we have the Spirit with us, our spiritual senses are sharpened and our memory is kindled so we cannot forget the miracles and signs we have witnessed . . . [We] recognize the hand of the Lord in our lives and in everything around us. Our amazement also produces spiritual strength. It gives us the energy to remain anchored in our faith and to engage ourselves in the work of salvation.

Recognizing and comprehending these miracles will enable us to more effectively see past all of the negativity and distraction that are so prevalent in the world. This spiritual vision is an everyday miracle.

So think about the last time you witnessed a miracle in your life. Ponder it. Write about it, Thank God for it. And let him fill your heart with His joy and His purpose.

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