10 Books About Art And Faith

10 Books About Art And Faith June 9, 2024

Art and faith are two of the most powerful and influential forces in human history. Below is a list of books written by authors, film critics, artists, and theologians exploring the intersection of creativity and what it has to do with the transcendent.

Art + Faith By Makoto Fujimura

An award-winning painter and artist shares his thoughts on what faith has to do with art.

Rembrandt In The Wind By Russ Ramsey

A book by a pastor and art lover exploring what 10 of the greatest works of art have to tell us about God.

Finding God In Hollywood By Nathan Clarkson

A memoir of a Christian kid (me) who goes to Hollywood to become an actor and discovers what God has to do with movies, stars, and stories.

Through A Screen Darkly By Jeffrey Overstreet

A beloved film critic who explores the history and art of cinema through a lens of faith. Complete with movie lists.

Bandersnatch By Diana Glyer

A book that takes a closer look into the famous literary group, The Inklings, offering insights into what their view of narrative and story has to do with their faith.

Art For God’s Sake By Phillip Graham Ryken

A book championing Christian artists that offers insights into how artists can utilize their faith to create better and more beautiful works of art.

Walking On Water By Madeleine L’Engle

A beloved novelist explores the wonder of both creativity and faith and what they have to do with one another.

Art And The Bible By Francis Schaeffer

A renowned theologian and philosopher defends the necessity of art and its God-given intention.

Bird By Bird By Anne Lamott

A bestselling Christian author musing on the art of writing and how it can affect souls.

Imagine By Steve Turner

A exhortation and guide to artists of faith to use their faith to influence their creativity.

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