There’s something wrong with a society that treats children like a disease

There’s something wrong with a society that treats children like a disease October 31, 2010

The contempt for life and unwarranted feeling of superiority that our current cultural manufacturers convey is staggering. Any student of European history cannot possibly fail to see parallels between our modern disregard for the sanctity of life, and that which followed in the wake of the 19th century philosophies of Europe. How easy it was to conclude some humans, being nothing but glorified animals evolved, were worthy of life while others were not. How easy it is now to conclude that almost all humans are nothing more than a festering malignant blight upon the earth, and except for one’s own little circle, worthy of abortion, euthanasia, or worse. The genocidal slaughter that is heading our way, compliments of all the enlightened thinking c. 2010, will make the 20th century look like a tea party with Mary Poppins. And because we should know better, having the last century to learn from, we will be doubly condemned – and justly so. These are the things that cry out to God for vengeance. The flagrant disregard for life based on mere convenience that drove the prophet Jeremiah to say that this is something so heinous, it never even entered the mind of God.

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