Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert fail their saving throws vs. Self Aware

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert fail their saving throws vs. Self Aware November 1, 2010

The press has loved every minute of this rally. Unlike Glenn Beck’s event, that was covered amidst the swirling clouds of controversy and scandal, charges of racism and bigotry, and of course condemnation of the blasphemous decision to hold the rally on that singular holy day of modern American history, the Rally to Restore Sanity has received pretty much fawning reviews. Not surprising. What is surprising, at least to me, is the lack of self awareness behind the event. Jon Stewart’s impassioned plea for unity at the end left my jaw agape. Here is a rally by two left leaning hosts of very liberal shows, whose primary purpose is to lampoon those with whom they disagree, supported by organizations such as the ultra-left leaning Huffington Post, and featuring a cadre of celebrities and entertainers who, on the whole, tend to the liberal side of the debates, and centered around continual mocking of the Tea Party, and those who support the Tea Party…and the final appeal is for unity?

What would have shown unity? One suggestion would have been to work with various folks, organizations, and interest groups from the right. Inviting Glenn Beck, or some Tea Party folks. Showing they want unity. Not just saying they want unity while having every second of the event scream they want conformity to their ideals. The problem with America today is that we are so divided, we don’t even realize it any more. If there are problems without our unity, we imagine it’s their fault, whoever the they happens to be. When our call for bi-partisanship and togetherness is filtered through common sense, it emerges as simply one more demand to have it our way, the whole way, and everyone else confess they have been the problem all along. I seriously doubt the media, in its celebration of the event, will catch the irony.

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