The end is near

The end is near November 18, 2013

That’s right. My schedule should be slowing down in the next week or so.  Thanks for folks coming by and thanks for the emails and updates.  I’ve seen several good ones, including musing on the bizarre state of affairs around Obamacare and some interesting tidbits from across the Atlantic from some readers there.  I’ll get to things when I can. 

For now, it comforts me to see that John C. Wright is on the same wavelength I’m on when it comes to our bowing before the greatest boon to Islamic Evangelicalism in history.  If I may, in the utmost humility, disagree with Mr. Wright however.  The reason that Islam is protected and Christians aren’t is because of the revolutionary nature of liberalism.

If there’s one thing the age of Enlightenment revolutions taught us, it’s that in order to have a revolution you must completely war against everything you are revolting against. Liberalism, like the alien that pops out of John Hurt’s chest, is a parasite on the very civilization it seeks to destroy.  And its main method is to constantly focus on the evils of the Christian West, while downplaying the bad of any other civilizations.  A great ‘grass is greener’ approach you might say.

That’s why the Twin Towers had barely fallen when the overwhelming response by Westerners was ‘That was the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen!  What could we have done to make them hate us so much?’ (Emphasis mine).  It’s our fault.  It’s always our fault. The history of America is one of genocide, slavery, racism, bigotry, sexism.  The history of Europe is the same.  And of course the legacy of Christianity is no better.

These things must be attacked to convince people to throw them out with the baby and bathwater and replace them with the promises of the Secular Left.  And so Islam, by virtue of not being part of the heritage that needs destroyed, gets a pass.  Oh sure, there is some condemnation where things get really nasty.  But it always – and I mean always – comes back to the evils of the Dying West.  Which is why it’s dying.

So Mr. Wright gets it right in noticing the trend – almost.  He just seems to avoid or miss the overall reason.  The West must go.  And the only way this happens is if we convince ourselves that it alone is the cause of the world’s sufferings, and therefore it alone must be destroyed.

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