Ohio State beats the Irish

Ohio State beats the Irish January 1, 2016

For some reason, even though we won with a comfortable lead, the entire game never felt like OSU was in control  Losing Bosa early on to the well meaning, but highly unpolished, Targeting penalty lost us our best defender.  Then there was our current Offensive coaching team who seem to get tired of using plays that work.  Just when we would be using soon-to-be former Buckeye Ezekiel Elliott to drive down to the end zone, the play calling would change and we would go to what doesn’t work.  At one point, in the 4th, when we had yet another chance to seal the deal, we stopped a dynamic drive of running it right through Notre Dame’s defense, to go to three incomplete passes that stopped the clock for the Irish and allowed them to recover the ball and score.  Why they do this – and it cost us dearly against the recently humiliated Spartans – is beyond our knowledge.  You mix things up, I understand.  But when something is overwhelmingly working, and something else isn’t, you shouldn’t need a six figure salary to know what to do.

Anyway, for us the Holiday Season, that starts in September, has come to an end.  We still have Twelfth Night, and this year a special Victorian dinner is replacing the Christmas Dinner we couldn’t have due to jobs and schedules.  But the signposts, those events, outings and traditions we enjoy as a family that begin with our first round of cider and apple pie and Castle Ghosts of Ireland – have wrapped up with a Buckeye victory.  How the season will be next year remains to be seen.  But now, we’ll all relax and make the best of the last couple days of vacation.

Then, it all begins.

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