Then a Catholic can vote for Trump?

Then a Catholic can vote for Trump? August 2, 2016

Ah, if we can’t vote Democrat, that leaves only one option, correct?  Not according to Fr. Longenecker, who goes on with Part II of his reflections on this nightmare known as the 2016 Presidential Election.  In the end, Fr. Longenecker is going to do the right thing, and leave it up to the individual.  In terms of nuts and bolts party platforms, the GOP is less hostile to the traditional Faith than the Democrats.  With that said, the GOP as lived out is often no better, and sometime not as good.

My sons made an interesting observation about celebrity conservatives and celebrity liberals.  It often seems that conservatives are conservative regarding bombs and bank accounts, and not much else.  Their lives would make a hippie liberal at Woodstock blush.  Meanwhile liberals will speak the gospel of the secular left with passion and conviction, and yet their actual lives look like some modernized version of Ozzie and Harriet.  So what are you going to do?  Look at what they say they stand for, or what they actually do? (see Matt. 21.28-32 for reference).

As I’ve said, I won’t vote for president this time around.  Except for a mix up when I moved to Florida, it will be the first time I ever sat out the presidential vote.  There are some alternatives I’ve been sent, but I’m still looking at them.  At least I won’t vote for the two main candidates.

Trump is like the drunk uncle at a family reunion who stumbles out of the bedroom with a 12 gauge shotgun for a laugh.  Hillary is simply Lady Macbeth.  In 24 years of watching her, I’ve seen nothing to change my mind about that assessment.  On top of that, she heads a political party opposed to the well being of believers who reject the dictates of the modern Left.  At least on paper, the GOP is less hostile, though it’s clear that some Republicans would ditch those pesky religious types in a fast heartbeat if they could still get the votes.

I dunno.  Again, for the believer serious about the Faith, I don’t think judging others’ decisions is the way to go this year.  Technically, it never is the way to go, but certainly not this time.  Great fear and trembling and understanding that we’re all in the same boat, even if it’s a boat of our making, would do us better.

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