When I read a story that says a school has declared America’s first flag a symbol of hate

When I read a story that says a school has declared America’s first flag a symbol of hate September 17, 2016

I immediately look for mainstream news sources.  That’s not to say a partisan source is automatically wrong.  I just prefer to see if there is really a story out there, and not a story we  hope will be out there.

Well, it turns out another example of why we homeschool is, in fact, true.   The basic mantra of the post-Christian Left is that white, European and American, heterosexual, Christian men are the primary source of evil in history and the cause of most human suffering in the world.  The rest of the world is made up of various oppressed groups who were victims of the West, and who the Left has charged itself with rescuing.

Like most revolutions, the emphasis is on the worst of that which you are revolting against.  If it isn’t that bad, then you must find ways to make it that bad.  And we learned in the 20th century that these radical social revolutions rarely have time for nuance, or subtly, or complex analysis.  They want it simple.  Group A is evil, Group B is good.  Continue. Since the history of the United States, and the Christian West on a broader level, has been reduced to the simple label “Evil”, it stands to reason that anything and everything associated with their history will eventually be read the same way.

By the way, the idea that if some hate group or radical group adopts something I must therefore reject it is not my approach to things.  That’s just those groups dictating what I can and can’t say.   If a white supremacist group adopted Mickey Mouse as a symbol, I”m going to keep watching Mickey Mouse cartoons at Halloween.  And if white supremacists adopt an American flag, I’m going to still celebrate it.  I would have to want to stop dealing with those things for hate groups to dictate what I do with them.

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