Remember when everyone lectured Trump about accepting the results of the election?

Remember when everyone lectured Trump about accepting the results of the election? November 26, 2016

Yeah, so do I.  Heh.  Like anyone is surprised.  Please.  Grow up people.  Stop acting like rules only apply to everyone else, but if you don’t get your way you’re going to jump up and down, hold your breath, and kick your feet until you get your way.  And that goes double for people like Major Garrett who went out of his way to lecture Trump on how all the great presidents in history courageously conceded the election rather than put America through the terrors of a contested election (conveniently ignoring the 2000 election as he did so).

I’m not thrilled with the idea of President Trump.  I’m far more worried about a nation that increasingly acts like there are no rules, only guidelines that are best kept until no longer convenient.  As tempting as it is to think such an approach will only hurt everyone else and never me, a brief skip through the history books suggests otherwise.

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