Off to our Independence Day celebrations

Off to our Independence Day celebrations June 30, 2017

To celebrate a wonderful and blessed country.  Are we still worth celebrating?  Probably.  It always seems bad to some and better to others.  But from a historian’s POV, things could be worse.  A lot worse.  Both in our history and in our present.

I don’t think the fact that we’re so blessed needs to be a curse.  It should compel us to use our blessings responsibly.  But for our part, despite the sins that we, like all societies through history, have struggled with, we’ve done well.  We could do better.  But that, again, is true for all people and places and times.

So off to the celebrations we go, to thank God for all He has blessed us with, and those who came before who helped make it all possible.  It will be a full, rich extended weekend.  I’ll be gone until the 5th.

Just for the sake of memories, here, and here, and here are some older posts about our family fun, two of our goto July 4th movies (Band of Brothers and Gettysburg), and general celebrations for our land of the free and, thus far, home of the brave.

TTFN, and God bless everyone during this time of celebrating.

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