How Grief Can Create Post-Traumatic Growth

How Grief Can Create Post-Traumatic Growth June 11, 2013

We’ve all heard of post-traumatic stress (PTSD), but what about post-traumatic growth?

Disaster screams for our attention on the front page. If it bleeds, it leads. Good news is  buried deep in the middle section of the news, if it is shared at all.

The good news is that what doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger. After an excruciating period of grief, people can — and do — emerge on the other side stronger, kinder, and wiser.

Grief asks the question: What really matters?

It urges us to realize that we don’t have forever. It shows us that things we often take for granted are in fact incredibly precious. It changes us and deepens us. It awakens gratitude and awe for the miracle of life and love.

The heavy lead of grief can be alchemized into the gold of wisdom, compassion, insight, depth. Grief is the grit in the oyster that creates a precious pearl.

Grief invites us to look at life from the 50,000-foot perspective. From that elevation, Mom’s retelling of a fond memory for the umpteenth time is endearing rather than exasperating. From that perspective, our children’s flaws and failings fade into the background as we see clearly in the foreground how much they mean to us, and how precious love is. From that vantage point, making a meaningful difference with your life eclipses everything.

After my husband died suddenly at the age of 33, I experienced deep grief. But then I embraced post-traumatic growth. And now my work at the Grief Coach Academy is devoted to helping people seize the opportunity for post-traumatic growth that is hidden in grief.

Grief and post-traumatic growth go together.

Grief confronts each of us with a choice: better or bitter? I invite you to use the fuel of grief to become better. Answer the question: What really matters to you? Then take action!

Read inspiring stories of post-traumatic growth here.

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