February 2, 2025

Throughout history, followers of Christ have wrestled with how we are supposed to interact with the systems of government that rule over us. When we can’t flourish, or don’t see others able to flourish under political regimes, we find ourselves asking how we are supposed to respond. Are Christians called to resistance? Recognizing a Need For Resistance I’m writing this on the first day of Black History Month, this year’s theme, African Americans and Labor. At the same time, I... Read more

January 21, 2025

We tend to think of privilege as relating to race or socioeconomic status. But there are other privileges we need to be aware of, specifically about our access to opportunities for friendship. Have you considered that it is even a privilege to break-off relationships? The Privilege To Break-Off Relationships After the 2024 election, I wrote the article Should Christians Let Politics Define Their Friendships? This is still just as relevant of a question the week of the inauguration as it... Read more

January 2, 2025

After 36 years of attending church every Sunday, I stopped going. At first I stopped going because of crisis. But it bothered me that I felt so guilty for not going, like I was letting the expectations of others down. And especially that I didn’t look like a church-goer. It unveiled my own religiosity. I began wondering if much of what I did as worship was actually performative. And even more importantly, I began asking what a life of worship,... Read more

December 16, 2024

During the Christmas season, Christians often focus on specific names for God. Whether we pray to Baby Jesus, write sermons on the Prince of Peace, or sing our invitations for Emmanuel to “ransom captive Israel,” there are a distinct few go-to names. But what about the King of Justice? As I’ve been reading the prophecies about Jesus as the coming Messiah this holiday season, I’ve been struck by how rarely we use Jehovah Tsidkenu as a name for God, let... Read more

December 10, 2024

To finish off 2024, I decided to pull together a list of books that were released this year on the intersection between justice and Christianity. These ten books discuss topics related to social action, justice, advocacy, and God’s Kingdom and its flourishing. From these you might find a tool to help you pray, a peak into Christian history, guidance to form your faith community after God’s heart justice, or a curriculum to parent your kids on practicing justice and love.... Read more

November 30, 2024

This week I had an interesting conversation with a friend as we hiked together. As I mentioned in my other article, I seem to be more of a political centrist, pulled between my majority Republican Evangelical faith community and my perusal of what “Biblical justice” actually is. This friend takes a hard left in the government policies she supports and liberal perspectives on social justice. We get along great. We still have so much in common. But what if we... Read more

November 15, 2024

I’ve been grieving that Donald Trump won after this last presidential election. This feeling is common for most of the people who didn’t vote for Trump’s administration. What I’ve found interesting, though, is that despite Christians who are thrilled, significant numbers of followers of Jesus who did vote for Trump also feel unsettled and aren’t celebrating. Why are there still so many Christians across the board who feel somber about Donald Trump’s reelection? What does that show us about our... Read more

October 31, 2024

Changemakers love to give. They give of their money, their time, and of their other resources. We take Jesus seriously when he tells us we are blessed when we give. But sometimes we forget that receiving is just as important of a blessing for us, too.  The day was San Diego bright and cheerful as I pulled into a local coffee shop for a couple hours to work. To my surprise, the shop had expanded greatly since I had last... Read more

October 15, 2024

We are called to do something different than digging our feet in the sand when people have different opinions than we do. We have one tool at our disposal that God has gifted us with that impacts our relationships. So others can see a path towards peace we must leverage curiosity like Jesus did.  The Airshow Last week was the annual San Diego Airshow. The Blue Angels zoomed over our house daily, artillery banged in the distance, and helicopters flew... Read more

September 23, 2024

Have you ever had to complete an employee mandated job training that taught you how to navigate relationships or social issues? Although this type of training has been the brunt of many employee complaints, they might actually be doing a decent job creating a world that better reflects the Kingdom of God. Here’s why. My Mandated Employee Training  Recently I was required to complete a set of job training for a part time teaching position I have with my local... Read more

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