October 18, 2024

Look Beyond Yourself with Faith Have you ever been so caught up in your own life that you failed to notice the struggles of others? Do you look beyond yourself?  If the answer is no, know that you are not alone. In this world of me, me, me, we tend to focus more on our own needs than the needs of other people. If you have ever read the Bible or learned anything about Christianity, you know that is not... Read more

October 13, 2024

Finding Strength Beyond Humanity: How to Grow in Faith and Support Others Have you ever felt like humanity has failed you? Do you find yourself feeling disconnected, lacking encouragement, or even questioning the role of spiritual leaders in your life? While it can be painful when human touch, support, and spiritual guidance fall short, it doesn’t mean you are without hope. There is a way to grow in your faith, find purpose, and help others, even when it feels like... Read more

October 6, 2024

Overcoming the Struggles of Modern Motherhood with Faith      Last Wednesday, October 2, 2024, I gave a live talk about overcoming the struggles of modern motherhood. You can check out the video here.  I also wrote and shared here two articles entitled ”What Does It Mean to Be a Proverbs 31 Woman in Modern Times?” and “Do You Intertwine Motherhood with Christianity?”   I wanted to go deeper into the topic of modern motherhood and being empowered by faith... Read more

September 29, 2024

Are there Christian Origins in Halloween? I often hear many people talk about Halloween as an evil, pagan holiday. Lay faith teachers often post and spread the word not to celebrate Halloween because it is evil, but its origins are more closely tied to Christian tradition than we often realize. Read on to  explore the Christian roots of Halloween, debunk the myths of its “evil” nature, and highlight how it aligns with biblical principles. Historical Origins of Halloween According to... Read more

September 22, 2024

The World Needs More Love   Is there enough love in the world? The world feels increasingly divided and full of challenges and even hatred. You see it every day. Someone feels less than. Someone is bullied. World leaders use smear campaigns to try to get ahead in the polls.   People are hurting. Labels have been created to identify feelings of hurt and feelings of inferiority. One such label is Imposter Syndrome.  According to an article in Psychology Today... Read more

September 15, 2024

Can a Modern Woman Live up to the Ideals of a Proverbs 31 Woman? What is a Proverbs 31 woman? I invite you to read the whole chapter to learn more about becoming a Godly woman, but I included verses 30-31 here: “Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting; the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.* Acclaim her for the work of her hands, and let her deeds praise her at the city gates.” (www.usccb.org) A Proverbs 31... Read more

September 8, 2024

In this era of go, go, go and working nonstop to be the most productive employee, it is easy to lose the values of faith and family due to work. People often struggle to maintain Sundays as the day of rest and worship due to work and sports. Family is often put on the back burner to meet deadlines or to “get ahead” at work. It is easy to believe that family will be there at the end of the... Read more

September 1, 2024

Have You Met the Holy Spirit?   I met the Holy Spirit as an adult who was finding her faith. I was drawn to the love and drive for spiritual growth that I received from the Holy Spirit. Let me introduce you to who the Holy Spirit is, why the Holy Spirit is and how the Holy Spirit is. Come along on this journey of faith and spiritual growth!   Who is the Holy Spirit?   In Pope Francis’ General... Read more

August 25, 2024

Last week I shared the Fruits of the Holy Spirit in my column entitled, “ Do You Desire the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.” I may have put the cart before the horse, so to speak! Afterall, the Fruits come from the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.    1 Corinthians 12:7-11 talks about these gifts (www.usccb.org): “To each individual, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom;... Read more

August 18, 2024

  This week I have been inspired to write about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Every week I host a live podcast through LinkedIn, Facebook and Youtube. I start (haven’t always) with scripture. I pray over my Bible asking God and the Holy Spirit to guide me to scripture that will help provide a message that needs to be heard. Sometimes when I open my Bible it is right there. Other times, I look within the chapter for something... Read more

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