The Bible’s Most Encouraging Words

The Bible’s Most Encouraging Words January 21, 2024

My favorite scripture in the Bible?

I have often been misunderstood throughout my life by my friends and family members. At one point I was labeled the ‘misfit’ or ‘rebel’ of the family because I did not conform to the normal societal pressures that come with being a Southern black Baptist woman. I am not submissive, nor meek. 

I do not live to only serve God and my family. Being the youngest of 6 children had its pressures. I am expected to care for my mother and father in their old age as well as maintain a career that will not overshadow my spouse’s, or take too much time away from my children. 

Just me writing this, I am sure some of you know exactly the level of expectation I am talking about. When all of life’s pressures start to get to me I am reminded of my favorite Bible verse Luke 5v32 Jesus says “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” 

What Does this mean?

It means that you do not have to be perfect or live up to your family or friends’ standards, just God’s, and because of Jesus’ sacrifice, our imperfections are made perfect. We are enough. We are perfect in this moment for what He has called us to do, and that is to live a life fully knowing He loves us and He cares. 

I am sharing with you a recipe that is near to my heart. It is a modified version of my Favorite Barbeque recipe called ‘Big Ol’ Mess.’ 

I hope you and your family enjoy it!

Father God, please let us remember that we do not need to be everything to everyone. Please, teach us how to ask for Your help and to rely on Your Word that we are enough.-Amen”

Big Ol’ Mess Recipe

If You Love Spice This Is The Recipe For You …


  • 2-Green Bell Peppers
  • 1-Brown onion
  • 1-White onion
  • 1-Jalapeno (Optional)
  • 1-Garlic clove
  • 1-Bottle of sweet & Sour Sauce
  • 1-Teaspoon of Creole seasoning (optional)
  • 1-2-Chicken breasts
  • 1-Tablespoon of Barbecue Sauce
  • 3-4 cups of Minute Rice
  • Aluminum Foil

Cooking Instructions

  1. Slice and de-seed bell peppers, Slice onions, Slice and de-seed Jalapeno, Crush and mince garlic clove. Cube Chicken. 
  2. Take foil and place in casserole dish. Add the first 8 ingredients to the foil. 
  3. Use a spatula to gently mix sauce and seasoning in with the ingredients. 
  4. Cover with foil. Put in oven at 425 for 25-35 minutes. 
  5. For the last ten minutes cook minute rice. Once the mess is ready, take it out, let it cool for 15 minutes, and serve over rice. 

*Serves 4-6 

*Jalapeno and creole seasoning is optional. All based on your spice level. 


About Christy Lee
The Author of this column is a Chef and lifestyle food blogger. She is also very rooted in her spiritual well being. She utilizes the food God has provided us to make affordable, healthy meals. You can read more about the author here.

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