Inerrancy And Phenomenon Of The Bible

Inerrancy And Phenomenon Of The Bible June 19, 2024

The purpose of this article is to examine the need for absolutism concerning Scripture. Due to the phenomenon of scripture as being contradictory to some people, there is a need for continual research, examination, and discussion. Historically, the inerrancy of the Bible has been met with pessimistic thoughts by some scholars, practitioners, and various segments of society. Our focus here is on the inerrancy and phenomenon of the Bible.

Bible sitting on a table
The Holy Bible courtesy of Pixaby

From the Beginning

The words of the Bible from the very beginning were divinely inspired by God. God sought to establish guidelines for man to have a personal relationship with Him. The establishment of the Covenant between God and man can be found in the Old Testament in Exodus 34: 27-28 which states: “And the Lord said unto Moses, write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.” (KJV)

Similarly, 2 Timothy 3:16 speaks to the authenticity of scripture. 2 Timothy 3:16 maintains: “All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (KJV) While there are a plethora of scriptures relating to the inerrancy of the Bible, the scriptures provided serve as validation of the authenticity of the inspired word of God.

Inerrancy Defined

There are many definitions for inerrancy. I sought a working definition to aid in this exploration. For this discussion, a definition pinned by Millard J. Erickson is applied. Erickson conveys: “We may now state our understanding of inerrancy: The Bible when correctly interpreted in light of the level to which culture and the means of communication had developed at the time it was written, and in view of the purposes for which it was given, is fully truthful in all that it affirms.” This is not a definitive definition. Scholars should continue to seek a universal definition in the field of the inerrancy of the Bible.

Why Should We Care?

The debate concerning the accuracy of the Bible will no doubt continue until the end of the age. However, giving up on the definitive authority of the Bible should not be considered an option. Those who question the inerrancy of the Scriptures are not likely to question a map of the world, a textbook, the words printed in a newspaper, or news reported on television. The validity of each is taken at face value. The question then becomes: Why question the Bible?

Our search for the truth is why we should care and why it matters. Action is useful in the arena of seeking truth. The Bible contains many scriptures on this issue. John 8:32 states: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (KJV) In examining the area of inerrancy, some argue that infallibility becomes the embodiment of inerrancy and is therefore divine. However, some scholars and practitioners advise that while the Bible is divine, it might not be factual. Scholars and clergy are hesitant to take a definitive stance on the concept of inerrancy. After researching this article, I walked away believing the Bible is ‘emet’ (true). I believe that all truth originates with God, and as a result, the scriptures are divinely inspired and therefore true. I guess you can say I believe the Bible in absolute terms or literally. Am I trying to impose my belief on you? Of course not. What I am prompting you to do is seek the truth for yourself.


There is an ongoing debate on the issue of inerrancy and phenomenon of the Bible. We must continue connecting the dots to determine what it all means. How we know becomes crucial for understanding. Differences also exist concerning the application of the Bible and potential errors involving interpretation. While challenges exist, my thought is that the concept of inerrancy will grow as we continue to seek and focus on “truth.” Although there are potential problems concerning adherence, participation, and commitment, the main thrust should be to seek the truth for ourselves and aid others in the search for truth concerning the inerrancy of the Bible. Seeking truth takes us from the bondage of uncertainty into a state of liberation via knowledge.



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