Paul’s Race For Yeshua

Paul’s Race For Yeshua July 30, 2024


Who was Paul?

Paul was a disciple of Yeshua. However, he was not always. He once was a blasphemer and denier. He persecuted followers of Yeshua. Paul experienced a conversion on the road to Damascus. Paul’s life was changed forever when he became a follower of Yeshua. Paul then chose to run the race for Yeshua. Paul’s account of his conversion is found in 1 Timothy 1:12-16, where Paul opines:

“And I thank the one who has given me strength, the Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, that he considered me trustworthy enough to put me in his service, even though I blasphemed and persecuted and was arrogant! But I received mercy because I had acted in unbelief, not understanding what I was doing. Our Lord’s grace overflowed to me with trust and love that come through the Messiah Yeshua. So here is a statement you can trust, one that fully deserves to be accepted: the Messiah came into the world to save sinners, and I’m the number one sinner! But this is precisely why I received mercy – so that in me, as the number one sinner, Yeshua the Messiah might demonstrate how very patient he is, as an example to those who would later come to trust him and thereby have eternal life.”  (JNT)

Wikimedia Commons/Michel Bakni

 Paul in Mission

A myriad of factors characterizes Paul’s missionary strategy. Paul sought to spread the good news of Yeshua to places near and far on the earth. The groundwork was established and set by God, and Paul obeyed. Paul ran the race for Yeshua with endurance and vigor. A strategy invoked by Paul concerning his missionary work is revealed in Acts 13:4 and Acts 14:28.   According to (Moreau, Corwin, & McGee, 2004), the scholars advise a strategy that begins and continues on a continuum and state: “A pattern set in Paul’s first journey can be seen throughout the rest of his missionary career.  Paul begins his ministry in each new city by first preaching in the synagogue – not surprising since he wanted to reach his people for Christ wherever possible.”

Method Man

A strategy Paul utilized in running the race for Yeshua, was retracing his steps. By retracing his steps, Paul was able to see whether his labor advancing the good news of Yeshua was materializing or whether his labor had been in vain. Returning to places visited during his missionary work, Paul was privy to see if the congregants were adhering to his teachings; and he was able to reinforce what was previously conveyed. In addition, his strategy involved being a model leader through example. As a leader, Paul set the tone and agenda regarding the meaning of missions during his era and successive generations have applied Paul’s strategy throughout history.

 Paul Established Options

While running the race for Yeshua, Paul kept his options open. Paul realized that not one method was designed for every audience and as a result, planned accordingly. Paul always made a point to know his audience and we should too. Soul winning was Paul’s main objective and he emphasized group bonding within the faith community. Additionally, Paul was a man of conviction. Paul stood by his goals and convictions irrespective of harm or death. Paul’s convictions remained strong throughout his life. Paul was determined and not afraid to pay the ultimate price of death as a believer.

Paul Was Consistent

Paul’s desire to share the good news of Yeshua was unwavering. Through his missionary work, Paul sought to teach self-reliance and self-sufficiency when planting churches. His desire was for the church to be self-sufficient with reliance on Yeshua, not man. However, in working towards the high calling of Yeshua, Paul seldom went alone proclaiming the news but took someone with him. In doing this, Paul spoke to the issue of interconnectedness and embraced teamwork in spreading the gospel.

 Paul Was Content

Paul also adhered to the philosophy he espoused of always being complete and satisfied no matter the circumstances. I am reminded of Paul asserting once that he had learned to be content in all situations. Finally, Paul, through planting churches, expected a membership harvest involving the churches he had planted. We too should set lofty expectations and follow through. We could learn from Paul. I have learned to be content with whatever state I am in. Are you? Ask yourself what you can do to advance the Kingdom of God, and do it where you are. Do not wait for the perfect time. Where you are is sufficient.

Completing The Race

Running and finishing the race for Yeshua to a point of completion is essential. How we run the race is equally important. The Apostle Paul speaks to the issue of method (how) and completion (finishing) and states in Hebrews 12:1: “So then, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us, too, put aside every impediment – that is, the sin which easily hampers our forward movement – and keep running with endurance the contest set before us.” (JNT) Running the race for Yeshua is important for me. How about you? If it is, run the race for Yeshua like Paul and finish strong!




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