Creationism and the Driscoll Essay are the subjects of the discussion today. While a student at Liberty University, I wrote about the Driscoll Essay. Creationism and Driscoll are revisited concerning importance and complexity. Mark Driscoll contends God may have created the earth over an extended period. Driscoll points out that the theory of the literal version of the six days of creation pertains specifically to the creation of mankind. Uncertainty abounds in terms of the age of human life. Why is it relevant? An absolute answer has never been advanced and the debate rages on concerning creationism. The Driscoll Essay ushered in additional discussion on the subject.
Divine Creationism
One might ask, how do divine creationism and scientific creationism relate? Humans have often wondered about the Creator and creation. How was the earth formed? Who created me? How, what, when, where, and why are common questions. Faith invokes belief on the issue whereas sight casts doubt and seeks more evidence. Can faith be measured? Of course not! Fatih is immeasurable. Faith in Yeshua is expressed in terms of what God is capable of.
According to Driscoll, this encompasses everything. Vision is unnecessary when the embodiment of knowledge and wisdom a Sovereign God grants rests in the believer. There is a nexus between the spirit of God being born out of the spirit of a person which springs forth from the spirit of the Creator. The human spirit, cannot be based on mere logic. Comparatively, there lies a deeper meaning to our being and faith as we relate to our Creator.
My Take
I subscribe to the literal view of Creationism. Many believers in Yeshua echo similar sentiments. What enables this view is my living in the spirit. The basis originates in faith. Sight says no, faith says yes, no matter what it looks like. As I have said, walking by faith may seem perplexing to some. However, the essence of following something unseen stems from a belief that coincides with faith. Much debate and argument has centered on the universe’s creation and the earth’s age. I submit, that no human can know. A question arises as to how knowing would affect an individual. Is it relevant to know?

Intelligent Design?
According to Genesis 1:1-11, the old-world view is possible. The answer is provided in Genesis 1:1-3. In the Complete Jewish Bible Genesis 1:1-3 reads as follows: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was uniformed and void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” These scriptures certainly support the old earth viewpoint. Could God have created the universe through evolutionary means and methods? I suggest God could have done this because God is Sovereign. As a result, anything is possible and therefore probable. God wants us to explore. Matthew 7:7 (CJB) states: “Keep asking, and it will be given to you; keep seeking, and you will find; keep knocking and the door will be opened to you.”
Who Knows/Who is Right?
Earthly logic is in direct conflict with free nature and the gift granted by God to mankind to make choices, mistakes, and the choice to repent. Driscoll aptly notes that Christianity and science are not an issue of atheism but are problematic as no room for debate and examination is allowed. At any rate, the atheist does believe in something, but what exactly is it? The atheist says that God does not exist. Consequently, the atheist must know what existed and how it was formed. As an illustration, to coin a phrase communicated by my former Professor, Dr. Jere Roberson, at the University of Central Oklahoma, “To know what isn’t, is to know what is.”
Moving Forward
Students, nonexperts, clergy, theoreticians, and anyone interested in Creationism must examine the Driscoll Essay. Is the earth and human purpose all a game of chance? Comparatively, some certainly think so. As I have noted, I shared this with you not to make you subscribe to my point of view, but rather to inspire you to openness and discussion about Creationism. In seeking affirmation, who is the best and most reliable source? To Yeshua’s followers, the answer is God.