Jumping Off The Quantum Spirituality Band Wagon

Jumping Off The Quantum Spirituality Band Wagon October 15, 2020

It’s hard to make it through a single day without someone posting a video or an article about Quantum Spirituality these days. And I get it. This is a very fascinating topic. As scientists and physicists begin to explore recent discoveries in the realm of quantum physics and quantum entanglement, the implications for philosophy and theology are mind-boggling.

For example, according to quantum science, it turns out that particles can be in two places at once, and that all matter and energy in the universe is connected in ways we had previously never imagined.

Just listen to a few of these quantum physicists try to explain what they’re seeing and you’ll quickly see how much of what they’re learning through quantum science seems to affirm a lot of New Testament Christian mysticism and Eastern Religious thought. Light is eternal and seemingly intelligent and self-aware. Observation [attention] influences reality in ways we still don’t comprehend. Time itself is a dimension that we inhabit but don’t yet fully understand. Reality is fluid and layered. Other universes sit atop our own and can sometimes break into our reality through “thin places” in the fabric of space and time.

It’s like a bad sci-fi novel, or Christianity on mushrooms.

But, along with all of this incredible insight comes a whole lot of confusion – and worse – outrageous leaps of logic that only muddy the waters and force the science to affirm ideas that aren’t exactly seamless.

For example, science tells us that, at the sub-atomic level, all matter is more than 90% empty space based on the relative distance between electrons and neutrons. But, is that how we experience reality? Just try to keep that scientific “truth” in mind the next time you drive your car into a brick wall at 200 mph.

Another example of scientific fact conflicting with observable reality is reflected in Xeno’s Arrow. This is the solid mathematical/scientific theorem that says an arrow cannot ever reach its target because to travel the distance it must first travel half that distance, and then half that half distance, and then half the half distance, etc. which leads one into the paradox of infinite regression. However, the scientific theory can be “true” on paper and yet soundly refuted by simply shooting the damn arrow into the target.

In other words, there are realities that work in theory, and are “true” scientifically but are not necessarily “true” experientially.

I suppose it comes down to how we define and experience “truth” in the mystical/spiritual reality and the physical/experiential reality.

Now, we can also experience the spiritual truth that all things are connected and “one” with one another, but that experience is not like the experience we have outside of the spiritual one. [I know, there are many of you right now whose fingers are already beginning to type into the comment section below “there is no difference between the spiritual reality and the physical reality.”] And, yes, in some ways you are right, but in other ways – in some very important ways – you are not.

The 200 mph drive into the brick wall or the arrow into the target experience is very different and just as “real” and “true” as the mathematical/spiritual reality and truth we can observe when we say that matter is largely empty space and no one can traverse an infinite set of points.

So, what’s my point? Simply this: You’re about to see a whole lot more being said about this “Quantum Spirituality” in the next few months and over the next few years. I think it could even eventually become its very own cult or movement if we’re not careful. Bible teachers and authors are falling all over themselves to become the next authority on Quantum Spirituality. This will only get worse.

And the real problem, as I see it, is that the actual science and the full realization of what this fascinating theory might have to teach us will quickly become lost in the fog. As more and more teachers start to “explain” what this all means [before they really even know themselves what all of this really means] the less likely any of us will actually have an opportunity to understand it all.

Don’t get me wrong. I do believe that there are some very profound insights for us to glean from Quantum Theory on the spiritual and philosophical fronts. But, as some teachers rush to establish themselves as the resident “experts” on the topic, I’m afraid it will take us a lot longer to fully digest the implications. By the time the actual insights are available, many of us may already believe we “know” something about Quantum Spirituality that isn’t actually true. Then we’ll have to waste a few decades deconstructing our bad quantum theology before we can really have eyes to see the truth that was there all along.

Bottom line: Don’t make up your mind just yet on Quantum Theology. Hold loosely to what you hear. Keep processing. Understand that right now almost no one really understands quantum science. So, if pastor Bob or author Barbara wants to explain it to you, please keep that in mind.

Better yet, go and read a few books on quantum theory for yourself. Don’t sit around and wait for other people [especially non-scientists] to explain it for you. Your imagination and creativity might actually lead you into more profound insights than anything floating around on the internet right now.

I can almost guarantee it.


Ground Zero registration is now open. 18 video sessions. 12 weeks. Just $19.99. Starts Nov. 9, 2020. Featuring conversations with inspiring thinkers like David Bentley Hart, Brad Jersak, Paul Young, Andre Rabe, Baxter Kruger, David Hayward, Jason Elam, Brant Hansen, Spencer Burke, Matthew Distefano, Derrick Day, Kyle Butler, Safi Kaskas and many more.


Keith Giles
 and his wife, Wendy, work with Peace Catalyst International to help build relationships between Christians and Muslims in El Paso, TX.  Keith was formerly a licensed and ordained minister who walked away from organized church over a decade ago to start a home fellowship that gave away 100% of the offering to the poor in the community. Today he is the author of several best-selling books, including “Jesus Unexpected: Ending The End Times To Become The Second Coming” 
which is available now on Amazon.

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