May 2, 2024

I first wrote this article titled “Who Will Milk the Cows?” in 2013 and unfortunately, the issue it addresses is as pertinent today as it was eleven years ago.  On May 1st, Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia signed a bill into law that will force local sheriff and police departments to check the immigration status of detainees, a job of the federal government.  A person without a criminal record, if pulled over for a busted tail light, could end up... Read more

April 22, 2024

Esta es una homilia predicada el fin de semana del Buen Pastor a mis parroquianos que son todos inmigrantes, o hijos de inmigrantes. Imagínense a una ovejita del rebaño de Jesús, que, atraída por praderas verdes y aguas frescas, se separó del rebaño.  Al inicio estaba de lo más contenta, había tanto para comer, y su barriguita quedó bien llena. El agua tan fresca le calmó su sed.  En eso, la ovejita levantó la mirada, ¿y que noto?  Que ya... Read more

April 2, 2024

Today we celebrate the victory of the light over darkness.  The victory of hope over despair.  The victory of life over death. Many centuries ago, the first Easter Sunday began with profound grief and silence.  While still dark, the women got up very early, with their hearts quiet and heavy fully aware of the task they had to undertake that day.  They prepared the various ointments, and set off to the tomb where Jesus’ body had been placed two days... Read more

March 11, 2024

During my freshman year of college at a secular university, way before I considered the Priesthood, I took a course on religion.  We studied the history and beliefs of the main world religions: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.  We also looked at what’s called ‘Philosophy of Religion’ – what are the questions religion answers and what role it plays in the story of humankind. One day, my professor who was a Catholic (and German), asked us a personal question,... Read more

February 15, 2024

At the baptism of a child, the priest or deacon traces the sign of the cross on the forehead of the baby at the beginning of the rite, and invites the parents and godparents to do the same. The priest says to the child, “the Christian community welcomes you with great joy, and in its name I claim you for Christ our Savior by the sign of the cross.” The cross on our foreheads indicates to whom we belong. We... Read more

January 30, 2024

A inicios del 2015 viajé a Roma como Promotor Vocacional de nuestra Diócesis junto con Monseñor Hartmayer para llevar a cabo la visita oficial del seminario donde estudiaba el ahora ordenado Padre Andrew Larkin.  Durante su estancia en Roma, Mons. Hartmayer solicitó una cita en la Congregación para las Causas de los Santos (ahora llamada Dicasterio para las Causas de los Santos) para informarse sobre el estado de la Causa de Beatificación de Fray Pedro de Corpa y Compañeros. La... Read more

January 29, 2024

In the early months of 2015, I traveled to Rome as Vocation Director of our Diocese along with Bishop Hartmayer for the official annual visit to the now Father Andrew Larkin who at that time was studying at the North American College in Rome.  While in the city, Bishop Hartmayer requested an appointment at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (now called Dicastery for the Causes of Saints) in order to inquire about the status of the Cause for... Read more

December 23, 2023

Como sacerdote católico, los fieles me piden a menudo una bendición.  “Padre, estamos viajando esta semana, por favor denos una bendición,” o “Padre, mi hijo está pasando por un momento difícil en la escuela, ¿le puede dar una bendición?”  Impartir una bendición implica invocar la presencia y la gracia de Dios en la vida de una persona, así Dios puede proporcionar sabiduría, fuerza y guía.  Cuando visito el hospital, ocurre seguido que una persona no católica me ve vestido de... Read more

December 21, 2023

As a Catholic priest, I am asked to give people a blessing all the time.  “Father, we are travelling this week, please give us a blessing,” or “Father, my son is having a hard time at school, could you give him a blessing.” To give a blessing is to invoke God’s presence and grace in the life of a person, so that God can provide wisdom, strength and guidance. When I visit the hospital, it is not uncommon to have a... Read more

December 16, 2023

The Latin Patriarchate which oversees the Catholic Churches in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Cyprus, which includes Holy Family Church in Gaza City, issued the following statement today, after the Israeli Army shot with a sniper and murdered two women within the parish church compound. “Around noon today, December 16th, 2023, a sniper of the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] murdered two Christian women inside the Holy Family Parish in Gaza, where the majority of Christian families have taken refuge since the... Read more

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