February 20, 2012

He sido sacerdote solamente por dos miércoles de cenizas y ambos años me he conmovido con las palabras “recuerda, hombre, que polvo eres y en polvo te convertirás.”  Estas palabras se convierten aun más conmovedoras al colocar cenizas en las frentes de los niños.  Niños que aun tienen todas sus vidas por delante, pero que aun permanecen polvo que en polvo se convertirá. Esta realidad es resaltada cada año en la liturgia de la Iglesia por una razón: para que... Read more

February 20, 2012

I have only been a priest for two Ash Wednesdays, and both years I have been deeply moved by the words “remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”  The words became even more poignant when placing the freshly burnt ashes on the foreheads of children and infants.  Children who still have their whole lives ahead of them, yet they are dust, and to dust they shall return. This sobering reality is highlighted every year in the Church’s... Read more

February 19, 2012

Imagine you run into a high school buddy after many years and he asks you, “who did you marry?” You answer, “Susie, and I’m so happy.” Your buddy replies, “That’s too bad, I really wish you had married Lola.” The reply is very rude and inconsiderate!  It questions your choice while also questioning where you find happiness. The reply may seem odd and improbable, yet people, and many times faithful Catholics, say this to priests occasionally. “Father, I wish you could... Read more

February 16, 2012

Today I returned to my high school for the annual Diocesan Catholic School Teacher Institute.  I taught a session on the Gospel of Saint John. My new (an unique) experience began when two of my three high school religion teachers entered the classroom to attend my session. My calculus teacher also came.  The classroom where I taught had been my history teacher’s class, Doc, who influenced my decision to study history. When one of my religion teachers arrived, I said... Read more

February 13, 2012

This past Sunday I announced that next week a priest would come from Atlanta to commemorate Black History Month.  I said, “Father John will be the homilist and presider.” An excited seven year old kid attending Mass turned to his mother with the biggest smile and said, “mom, they’re gonna have omelets and cider!” When the kid’s parents told me the story after Mass, I had a good laugh.  I hope you do too. Read more

February 12, 2012

Leprosy is a terrible disease. Though today confined to certain areas of the world and somewhat treatable, having leprosy in the ancient world was one of the most terrible curses. The disease itself does not kill you, but it lingers for years causing skin to degenerate and the body to deform. Lepers are cursed with twisted limbs, curling fingers, tumors and facial disfigurement. Nerve damage causes terrible pain, but also numbs parts of the body which leads to accidents, burns... Read more

February 11, 2012

Cuando tenía cinco o seis años recuerdo preguntarle a mi mama que debería hacer si la Virgen María se me apareciera.  Mi mama respondió que me arrodille pero también dijo que no piense en esas cosas porque más que seguro, no iba a pasar.  Me quede satisfecho con su respuesta, al menos ya sabía que hacer si sucedía. Bernadette Soubirous era una niña pobre e analfabeta en el pequeño pueblo de Lourdes, Francia en 1858 cuando la Virgen María se... Read more

February 10, 2012

[from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops] New opportunity to dialogue with executive branchToo soon to tell whether and how much improvement on core concernsCommitment to religious liberty for all means legislation still necessary WASHINGTON— The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) sees initial opportunities in preserving the principle of religious freedom after President Obama’s announcement today. But the Conference continues to express concerns. “While there may be an openness to respond to some of our concerns, we... Read more

February 9, 2012

This morning I read EWTN sued the federal government. Click here for article. The US Bishops are decrying the overstepping of the government into our freedom of religion. Members of the House of Representatives are debating the need to strike down or amend the HHS mandate. With all this happening, someone asked me, “historically, what can we compare this?” I thought about it for a few minutes, and I found an answer. In the year 250 the Roman emperor Decius,... Read more

February 8, 2012

La misión de Jesús en la tierra se puede resumir diciendo que Jesús vino a enseñar, a curar enfermos y a perdonar pecadores. Fácilmente reconocemos que Jesús es el maestro más grande que ha vivido, pues nos reveló a su Padre, nos enseñó quien es Dios. También rápidamente recordamos historias Bíblicas donde Jesús curó enfermos como los diez leprosos, el siego desde nacimiento y varios paralíticos. Cuando hablamos del tercer elemento de la misión de Jesús, el perdonar pecadores, siempre... Read more

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