Is God real?
To ask if God is real is like asking if the wind is real. It absolutely is real, even though you can’t fully understand it. God is much the same way. The truth is, God has been proven to be objectively real through independent observation and personal experiences. We have tons of evidence for the presence of God. It only takes applying the laws of nature in an unbiased way to see the evidence for yourself.
(Get the digital version of my book Grounded Faith for Practical People for free here. It’s a simple guide to having confident, fact-based faith in God.)
Table of Contents
- Reason #1: Every beginning has a Beginner.
- Reason #2: Where there is design, there must be a Designer.
- Reason #3: If there’s anything morally wrong, there must be a God who sets the moral standard.
- Reason #4: Why a Well-Known Atheist Finds God’s Existence to Be Undeniable
- Reason #5: The universe continuously expands.
- Reason #6: The laws of physics do not change.
- Reason #7: The total mass of the universe is exactly right.
- Reason #8: The human body is incredible.
- Reason #9: Consciousness and intelligence are mind-boggling to even think about.
- Reason #10: Where do emotions come from?
- Reason #11: Why are we so creative?
Think of it this way…
We all experience things that we call love, joy, and hope that can only be understood as things that are caused by one Creator who is good in nature. Some variation of this belief is how most of our ancestors and their ancestors before them understood life.
Before information was widely available through technology, many ancient people had a thought process that went a little like this:
Just like the moving of the trees can only be understood as something that’s caused by wind, the love and goodness experienced in life can only be described as something that’s caused by a good God.
Simply put, God is a name we use to describe the goodness we experience. We all experience it, but only a portion of us (primary the Christian and Jewish population) use the name of “God”.
Which begs the question: should we acknowledge God’s existence?
I think it’s safe to say that technology – and the fact that information is widely available to us today – has made us all a little more hesitant before accepting something as true. While most of our ancestors saw God’s existence as something that was common sense, our generation likes to back up our beliefs with facts. And that’s okay.
So if you need facts to help you understand whether or not God is real, I don’t blame you. I’ve been in those shoes, and I’ve struggled deeply with faith.
Below are the facts I’ve gathered through years of research that point to the existence of God.
Reason #1: Every beginning has a Beginner.
Scientists now know that the universe had a beginning. That’s a problem for people who deny there’s a God.
Science tells us our universe is traceable back to a beginning, and several places (at least nine places) in the Bible speak about this beginning from nothing(2).
The Bible is unique in that it actually speaks about the beginning of the universe as the beginning of space and time itself. Eastern faiths say space and time are eternal and God creates within space and time, while Biblical faith says God is the Creator of space and time.
Space Time Theorems tell us that any universe that expands on average has a space time beginning implying a Causal Agent outside space and time who creates space, time, matter, and energy.
In other words, there is now scientific knowledge that essentially proves that there was a cosmic beginning, which implies a “Someone” beyond space and time which must have created the universe.
There are more than a few scientific facts about the universe that point to the reality of God. Frank Turek, author of the book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, lists a few of the main ones using the acronym SURGE:
- Second law of thermodynamics
- Universe is expanding
- Radiation afterglow
- Great galaxy seeds
- Einstein’s general relativity
Robert Jastrow founded NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies said the astronomical evidence leads to a Biblical view of the origin of the world. He said the essential elements in the astronomical and Biblical accounts of Genesis is the same (from God and the Astronomers).
But why couldn’t nature have started itself?
The reason is that nature is the effect, so it can’t be the cause. Before the universe there was no nature – no space, time, or matter. There was nothing.
Either NO ONE created something out of nothing.
SOMEONE created something out of nothing.
Which is more reasonable?
Reason #2: Where there is design, there must be a Designer.
Aspects of the universe – such as the laws of nature – are so fine-tuned that if you were to change any one of these aspects even slightly there would be no life here on earth.
Stephen Hawking said if the expansion rate of the universe was different by one part in a thousand, million, million a second after the big bang, the universe would have collapsed back on itself or never developed galaxies.
Our current expansion rate – sometimes called the cosmological constant – is fine-tuned to 1 in 10 to the 20. The gravitational force is fine-tuned to 1 in 10 to the 40. If it were altered, the sun wouldn’t be here, and neither would we.
Imagine taking a tape measure and stretching it across the entire known universe, then setting the gravitational force at a particular inch mark on that tape measure. If you were to move the strength of gravity one inch in either direction, we wouldn’t be here. There are only 3 possible explanations for this extreme precision:
- It happened out of necessity. This is farfetched at best. Any one of these fine-tuned aspects of the universe could have been different by a little or by a whole lot.
- It happened by chance. I don’t have enough faith to believe that it just happened to arrive there by chance. And by the way, chance isn’t a cause or force in nature. Chance is just a word that scientists use to explain mathematical possibilities. What they really mean is, they don’t know.
- Somebody designed it.
Our solar system also seems to be fine-tuned with us in mind:
- If our planet were a little closer, we would burn up. If we were a little further away, we would freeze. It’s just right where we’re at.
- If the axial tilt changes just a little, we don’t exist.
- If the rotation of the earth changes, we don’t exist.
- If the size and distance of the moon from us were different, we wouldn’t exist.
- If the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere (21%) were any different, we wouldn’t exist. 15% and we all suffocate. 25% and spontaneous fires break out.
- If Jupiter was not in its current orbit, we wouldn’t be here. Its gravitational force is so strong, it attracts meteors and other space junk to it and away from earth. In fact, Jupiter has comet fragment strikes that are bigger than the earth. So, thank God for Jupiter.
- The average distance between stars in our galaxy is 30 trillion miles. That distance is needed for the earth to exist in its current life-supporting condition. If it were much different, gravitational forces would cause us to not stay in orbit and we wouldn’t be able to live.
If you traveled the speed of a space shuttle – roughly 5 miles per second – it would take you about 200,000 years to get from the sun (our star) to the nearest star in our galaxy. There are approximately as many grains of sand on all the beaches of the earth as there are stars in the universe. And going from one star to another star would take about 200,000 years. That’s an illustration of how large our universe is, yet without this expansive universe of ours, without its mass being just right, life as we know it wouldn’t be possible.
Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” Look to the heavens and you’ll have an idea of an infinite being.
But you can also see evidence of God in a microscope when looking at a “simple” form of life.
A cell is like a factory, and in these factories, there are very detailed and specific messages being used to make certain things.
We know that messages only come from intelligent beings. For example, if you walked in your kitchen and on your table, there laid a knocked-over box of alpha-bits cereal and the letters spelled “Take out the trash – Mom” you wouldn’t assume that the box fell over on its own and spelled that.
There are only 4 known forces of nature: Gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. The laws of nature describe the things these 4 forces do repetitively. But those 4 forces of nature can’t explain a message in the cell. These messages are called DNA, which is the 4-letter genetic alphabet that every living thing has.
But where does it come from?
Your genome is 3.5 billion letters long. And all the letters are in the right order or you wouldn’t be here. And there’s no known chemical, physical, or biological force that can explain why the letters are in the order they’re in up the spine of the DNA molecule. A goes with T and C goes with G, but there’s no reason or force that can explain the order in which they go.
DNA is literally a program, and whenever there’s a program, there must be a Programmer.
For the sake of conversation, let’s say it started simply, like in an amoeba.
The problem is, programs don’t evolve. If anything, they deteriorate over time. If you took any program and randomly mutated the code over time, it wouldn’t work very long.
Richard Dawkins – one of the most famous atheists in the world – said that in one amoeba, a single-celled organism, there’s the equivalent of 1,000 volumes of an encyclopedia (The Blind Watchmaker, p. 116).
And you could fit several hundred amoebas in one inch.
To believe that resulted from natural forces is like believing the Library of Congress resulted from an explosion in a printing shop.
I don’t have enough faith to believe that.
When you were conceived, you beat out 300 million other sperms in order to be born. Your “soldier” was 20-30x smaller than a grain of salt, yet it contained half of the genetic information that makes you who you are.
Your mother’s egg was about the size of a period at the end of a sentence in an average book and it contained the other half of the genetic information that makes you who you are.
And when those two came together, a 100% new genetic human being was created. You have not received any more genetic information from that point until right now. Time, air, water, and food were the only things that separated you from adulthood at that moment. Genetically you were the same as a two-year-old or a full-grown adult.
From that moment until now an astonishing construction project has been taking place. From the moment of your conception, cells began multiplying at a rate of 4,000 cells per second. Brain cells began multiplying at a rate of 100,000 cells per second. Some cells became heart cells, some lung cells, some brain cells.
How do they know how to do this? We don’t know.
Your body right now makes 2 million red blood cells per second, and you do it without ever thinking about it. Aristotle calls this final causality, which points out that the entire created order is goal-directed. It’s going in a direction.
Why is an embryo goal-directed to become an adult? Why does an acorn always become an oak tree instead of something else? Because they’re goal directed to become those things.
Why do the planets circle the sun? Why is gravity consistently doing what it’s doing? Because it’s goal-directed.
Why can we build a rover and launch it to another planet 60 million miles away with absolute precision? Because we can depend on the forces of nature being consistent and precise. Because they’re goal-directed.
In order to be goal-directed, there has to be an external Intellect directing them. Somebody is holding this universe together right now, directing it toward an end – both living and nonliving.
Here’s what I mean…
Scientists have manipulated fruit fly embryos to see what will happen to them, but the embryo makes heroic efforts to get back on track to becoming a fruit fly.
When scientists do this, they always get one of 3 outcomes:
- A normal fruit fly
- A mutant fruit fly
- A dead fruit fly
They never get a different type of fly, much less anything else beyond that. Yet we have theories in science now that says these species can blur the lines between one another over long periods of time, and when we try with all our intelligence to blur these lines to go from one species to another, we can’t.
But we’re led to believe that non-intelligent processes can do it?
No matter what you believe about evolution, there must be an external intellect holding the natural forces of nature together that allows all life to occur. Even if you hold to the belief that macroevolution is true, you still can’t get rid of the need for an external intellect, i.e. God.
Darwinians believe life looks as though it was designed, they just refuse to believe that it was. Instead, they say it has been guided by natural selection and random mutations. Darwin thought that nature could do the selecting and guiding the adaptations instead of God. In his opinion, it’s nature just doing what nature does.
[Side note: What’s very interesting is that the term “nature” is simply a label for a collection of observable truths around us. Replace the word “nature” with the name “God” and you have the exact same facts, just crediting God. It doesn’t change the truth. Back to DNA…]When Darwin developed his theory, it was thought that the cell was simple. But now we know that the cell has immense informational complexity.
Inside DNA, we’ve discovered a 4-character digital code that Bill Gates says is like a computer program that’s far, far more advanced than any we’ve ever created. We now know that the information in DNA directs the construction of other complicated molecules called proteins which do all the important functional jobs in the cell, including the construction of machines.
Proteins are made up of subunits called amino acids. There are 20 different kinds of these and the arrangement of these 20 different kinds of amino acids determines the shape the protein will form. The shape of the protein determines the function of it. So, the arrangement of the amino acids has to be correct in order for the protein to accomplish its job inside the cell.
How does all this happen? Instructions on the DNA molecule are directing the production those proteins, and it’s incredibly complex. The average protein is about 300 amino acids in length. Some have thousands of amino acids, all linked together exactly right.
This information has to be formed exactly right or it won’t form with the right shape and the protein won’t do its job. And it’s the information on DNA that gets it exactly right.
So DNA directs the arrangement of amino acids in just the right way to form just the right proteins that do just the right jobs.
J. Warner Wallace, in his book Cold Case Christianity, puts it this way:
“The building blocks of life (proteins, ribosomes, enzymes etc.) are formed at the direction of specific nucleotide sequencing in DNA, the largest molecule known. In humans, DNA contains as many as 10 billion atoms. The adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine bases in DNA are linked in a particular order to form the genetic code containing the master plan for every organism. The information in DNA guides and instructs the formation of proteins; without it, protein formation would be a haphazard, hit-or-miss proposal. The nucleic sequence in DNA is informational.”
Inside every cell in you is a three-billion-letter DNA structure that belongs only to you. 99.9% of your DNA is similar to everyone’s genetic makeup. What is uniquely you comes in the fractional difference in how those three billion letters are sequenced in your cells.
Dr. Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project (that mapped the human DNA structure) said that one can “think of DNA as an instructional script, a software program, sitting in the nucleus of the cell.”
He also said:
“It is humbling for me and awe inspiring to realize that we have caught the first glimpse of our own instruction book, previously known only to God.” Dr. Francis Collins
Miniature Machines
Another class of evidence for God can be found in miniature machines inside cells.
The cell is the smallest unit of life. Yet even in single-celled organisms like bacteria we find exquisite machinery.
These machines are rotary engines that turn at 100,000 RPM in some bacterial species. It has a rotor, a stator, a u-joint, a propeller-like tail, and it’s hardwired into a signal transduction circuit which allows the bacterium to change directions on a quarter-turn of the rotary engine to chase down the food supply. It’s an extraordinary piece of high technology in low life.
Systems like this are very difficult to explain by Darwinian evolution.
Natural selection is a mechanism that selects for functional advantage. So, variations that offer advantages are passed on to the next generation.
The problem is, the origin of systems like this can’t be explained by natural selection because this system has no functional advantage until many different independent parts are all brought into close functional integration.
For example, this machine is made of roughly 30 protein parts. If you knock out one of those protein parts, you disable a gene for building one of those parts, the “one-part-less” version of that motor doesn’t work or provide any propulsion or provide any functional advantage.
If you’re trying to build up a motor like this gradually in Darwinian fashion, there are big gaps where there’s no functional advantage in getting from A to B, B to N, etc.
This is not the kind of system that can be explained by natural selection.
It’s an appearance of design – it’s a rotary engine – but it cannot be adequately explained by gradual natural selection and random variation.
Michael Behe calls a flagellar motor like this an example of “irreducible complexity.”
Whenever we see this functional integration or irreducible complexity and trace it back to its source in known systems, we always come to a mind or intelligence.
And there are dozens of these types of molecular machines inside of biology and inside living cells.
- Sliding clamps
- Gated portholes that are information recognition devices that control the flow of information in and out of the cell nucleus
- Turbines called “ATP synthases” that are responsible for generating the information that cells use in the process of metabolism – they’re at work inside the membranes of mitochondria in the cell
These all require the integration of many separate parts and are therefore very difficult to explain by Darwinian evolution.
Reason #3: If there’s anything morally wrong, there must be a God who sets the moral standard.
If there is no God, then the Holocaust was just a difference of opinions – the world’s opinion vs Hitler’s opinion. But we know that’s not right. We know the Holocaust was objectively morally wrong.
If you saw two versions of a map of Scotland, how would you know which one was correct or which one was better? You would have to have a real, unchanging map of Scotland to compare each of them to.
So if we compare Mother Teresa to Hitler, how do we know which one was better? We have to compare each of them to an ultimate, unchanging standard.
If there is no God:
- The Nazis were not wrong
- Love is no better than rape
- There are no human rights
- Tolerance is no better than intolerance
- Religious crusades are not wrong
- We can’t complain about the problem of evil because evil can’t exist unless you have some idea of what good is. You can’t know a line is crooked without having a straight line to compare it to.
In other words, the shadows prove the sunshine. You can have sunshine (good) without shadows (evil), but you can’t have shadows without sunshine.
Reason #4: Why a Well-Known Atheist Finds God’s Existence to Be Undeniable
In an interview with Ben Stein, well-known atheist Richard Dawkins also said that he believes in intelligent design.
His exact words were:
“It could be that at some earlier time somewhere in the universe a civilization evolved by probably some kind of Darwinian means to a very very high level of technology and designed a form of life that they seeded onto perhaps this planet. Now that is a possibility, and an intriguing possibility, and I suppose it’s possible that you might find evidence for that if you look at the details of biochemistry, molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of designer. And that designer could well be a higher intelligence from elsewhere in the universe.” Atheist Richard Dawkins
Then he says:
“That higher intelligence would itself have had to have come about by some explicable, or ultimately explicable process. It couldn’t have just jumped into existence spontaneously, that’s the point.” Atheist Richard Dawkins
Apparently, at least in Richard Dawkins’ mind, the evidence is so strong for intelligent design that he has to come up with a random and unsupported theory of aliens bringing life to earth. And even that theory just puts the question back one step. The next question would be, who created the aliens? Like Dawkins said, “it (life) couldn’t have just jumped into existence spontaneously.” Of course not. Not without a Creator.
As Ben Stein said, Richard Dawkins isn’t against a designer, just certain designers, such as God.
Why is Dawkins against the idea of an intelligent God but not intelligent aliens? Because God brings morality with Him and aliens don’t.
Dawkins says that God is “hidden” or hiding Himself, but that’s just another example of worldview changing the way we see the evidence. What more could God do to reveal Himself?
He came to earth in human form as Jesus of Nazareth and did miraculous things to prove that He is who He says He is. He’s given us intelligence to understand this amazing universe we live in. He’s given us the ability to study DNA and molecular machines and all kinds of other amazingly complex things to show us just how orchestrated life is. He’s given us morality, emotions, imagination, and creativity to set us apart from other animals and to show us that we’re different – and we can’t explain where these things came from.
But instead of taking all of this evidence as evidence for God, people would rather come up with countless other theories to try to explain it all away.
It’s not a matter of evidence, it’s a matter of stubbornness. It’s a matter of pride.
Evidence for God is everywhere:
- The beginning of the universe,
- the fine-tuning of nature,
- life itself,
- DNA,
- morality,
- creativity,
- intelligence,
- Jesus Christ doing miracles and rising from the dead,
- etc.
Richard Dawkins simply doesn’t see it for what it is – amazing evidence of a designed universe.
More Reasons to Believe God Exists
Reason #5: The universe continuously expands.
The Bible talks about “stretching the heavens,” which is exactly how scientists explain the beginning of our universe and its continued expansion today.
For reference, see Job 9:8, Zachariah 12:1, Isaiah 45:12, Isaiah 51:13, Isaiah 40:22, Isaiah 44:24, Isaiah 48:13, Isaiah 42:5, Psalm 104:2, Jeremiah 51:15, and Jeremiah 10:12.
Our English Bibles typically translate the word used as “the stretching out” but it actually means “expansion.” That means the Bible was making claims that the universe was expanding long before scientists did.
In fact, no ancient book mentioned or even hinted at the idea that we lived in an expanding universe. For thousands of years, the Bible stood alone in making these claims.
Reason #6: The laws of physics do not change.
7 times in the Bible it tells us that the laws of physics do not change. Jeremiah 33 says to look at the laws that govern the heavens and the earth, because as they don’t change, God doesn’t change.
One of those laws is a pervasive law of decay.
Romans 8 says the entire creation is subject to the law of decay, and repeatedly the Bible speaks about the same thing. Today we know what’s responsible for the expansion of the universe. It’s called dark energy.
We just found out about dark energy in 1999. It’s the energy that is embedded in the space surface of the universe and it makes up about 3/4 of all the stuff of the universe.
Job 38:19-20 says, “Do you know where darkness resides, can you take me to its place?” We used to think darkness in space was only the absence of light. Job says it’s an actual substance, and now we know Job got it right. It is indeed a substance and it makes up most of the universe.
The more the surface of the universe gets bigger as the universe expands, the more powerful the dark energy is to accelerate the expansion of the universe.
If the universe expands too slowly from the cosmic creation event, gravity will collect all the gas of the universe and compress it to nothing but black holes and neutron stars. Molecules, atoms, and life itself would not be possible.
If the universe expands too quickly from the cosmic creation event, gravity is not going to be able to collect that gas to be able to make any stars at all, and if there are no stars, there is no life at all.
So to what degree must we fine-tune dark energy so we can have stars and planets where life can possibly exist on planets?
According to Hugh Ross, you would have to fine-tune it to 1 part in 10 to 122 places of the power (122 zeros after the 1). That ranks as the greatest fine-tuning example we can measure in all of science.
For example, we discovered gravity waves with a gravity wave telescope that is basically the epitome of human engineering, creativity, and design. But if you compare that to the design in dark energy to make life possible, it ranks 10 to the 97 times inferior.
What this tells us is that the One that designed dark energy to make possible the existence of life at a minimum is 10 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion times more intelligent and better educated than those MIT and Cal-Tech physicists. And these are ranked as the most brilliant individuals on the planet, yet they don’t even compare to the intelligence of the Causal Agent.
Only a personal being can manifest the attributes of intellect, knowledge, creativity, power, and care for His creation.
In his book titled More Than a Theory, Hugh Ross says that even nontheistic scientists (who believe in no God or gods at all) have stated:
“Arranging the universe as we think it is arranged would have required a miracle” … “it seems an external agent [beyond space and time] intervened in cosmic history for reasons of its own.”
They also say, “perhaps the only reasonable conclusion is that we do not live in a world with a true cosmological constant.” In other words, dark energy must be wrong because if dark energy is real, then we have an agent performing miracles for reasons of its own. Certainly that can’t be, so dark energy must be wrong.
That statement was written before astronomers came up with 9 independent observational demonstrations that not only is dark energy real, it’s the dominant component of the universe.
As of this writing, we have at least 25 demonstrations that dark energy is real and that it is the dominant component of the universe.
That means this transcendent Causal Agent really must be a personal being. He designed the universe for the benefit of human beings and He is performing miracles for the benefit of the human species.
Virtually every feature of the laws of physics reveal overwhelming evidence for fine-tuning design.
Job and Psalms, as well as other books in the Bible such as Romans, say the more we study nature, the more evidence we will uncover for the handiwork and the attributes of God.
Starting in 1991, there were 17 features of the universe and laws of physics that showed high level of fine-tuning design, but now there are over 200 features that must be fine-tuned. So the more we learn, the more evidence we see for God’s handiwork and His attributes.
(See for more information.)
According to astrophysicist Hugh Ross, the probability that you’re going to find a body anywhere within this vast universe with the possibility of being able to sustain any kind of advanced life is more remote than someone in California winning the California lottery 150 consecutive times where they buy just one ticket each time.
Astronomers and physicists agree that when you look at the universe, it’s clear that it was designed for the specific benefit of human beings.
It’s also clear that the Creator intended to redeem billions of human beings.
Romans 8 says the whole creation “groans.” It says the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. But what is it about the law of decay that helps bring about the freedom and glory of the children of God?
We actually live in a universe that has the optimal physics for the defeat and removal of evil and for willing human beings to receive redemption. That applies to every law of physics and every dimension of space and time. It’s all been designed to bring about the removal of evil and suffering and the redemption of billions of human beings.
For example:
Of all the laws of physics, the Bible focuses mostly on the law of decay. The decay rate is not so high as to discourage productive work. The decay rate is not so low as to let sin go unrestrained.
If we could do something and have it last forever with no decay, there would be no restraint against human sin.
In Genesis 3, when Adam and Eve sinned, God said they would experience more pain, work, and wasted time.
God made the law of decay so neither our work nor our bodies would last forever, serving as a constant reminder that we need God’s help. Without His help, life is nothing but pain, work, and wasted time.
God intended that work and the sense of touch would be pleasurable. But because of our sin and evil, we now experience more pain, more work, and more wasted time.
Sin leads to more pain, more work, and more wasted time, and because we all despise these things, they act as powerful motivation for us to avoid evil and it teaches us that we can’t avoid these things (and sin) without help.
If we look at the universe, we realize that God is all powerful and all loving, and we can’t deliver ourselves from the consequences of our sin and evil, but based on His power and love He provided a way out.
Reason #7: The total mass of the universe is exactly right.
You need exactly 50 billion trillion stars no more no less for life to be possible. You can’t even get carbon and oxygen unless the universe has a highly fine-tuned total mass.
Read Why the Universe Is The Way It Is for more information on this.
Reason #8: The human body is incredible.
The human body and our DNA are amazingly complex. Everything in our bodies seems to exist for a purpose, and they all work together to keep us alive. How did our bodies get this complex and perfectly put together?
Reason #9: Consciousness and intelligence are mind-boggling to even think about.
Where does consciousness and awareness of ourselves and our surroundings come from? If we truly are nothing more than the product of a fortunate series of chemical reactions, isn’t it odd that we’re now able to be aware and intelligent enough to be able to understand how it all works? The more reasonable conclusion is that consciousness and mental capacity for reasoning must come from an external force capable of these things.
Reason #10: Where do emotions come from?
Where do emotions come from? In many ways, they get in the way of evolution. Jealousy, anger, envy – these all do more harm than good most of the time. Anger can be used for survival, but it’s far from necessary. It actually clouds your judgement and causes you to make mistakes more often than not.
Love causes people to make stupid decisions. You can have sexual desire (lust) without love, so what evolutionary purpose does love serve? Why do we love people even when they turn their backs on us? If love is just a product of evolution that serves a purpose to further our species, it’s doing a terrible job of it.
Disgust – an emotion – makes almost everyone dislike food that is good for them and enjoy food that will actually kill them over time. Why is that? That should be the exact opposite in an evolutionary worldview. If healthy food makes us thrive, why do we hate it so much after all these years of evolution?
Reason #11: Why are we so creative?
Why are we so creative? Where does imagination come from? Did it evolve somehow, too? Where do art and music come from? They serve no purpose at all from an evolutionary or naturalistic standpoint.
Wrapping Up
To ask if God is real is like asking if the wind is real. It absolutely is real, even though you can’t fully understand it. God is much the same way. The truth is, God has been proven to be objectively real through independent observation and personal experiences. We have tons of evidence for the presence of God. It only takes applying the laws of nature in an unbiased way to see the evidence for yourself.
If you’re interested in learning if Jesus is real, check out this post.