October New Moon in Libra Tarot Reading 2017 

October New Moon in Libra Tarot Reading 2017  October 19, 2017

For this month’s new moon tarot reading, I’m using The Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee. The October new moon occurs tomorrow at 2:13PM in Libra as we come face to face with ourselves in its shadow. The light is just beginning to dawn again on what we keep hidden underneath, encouraging us to grow something good out of it all. 

Right off the bat we have a Libra lesson about balancing the scales in the 6 of Pumpkins (Pentacles). In the imagery of this deck, the truth of giving out of our own abundance to those who may not be able to do anything for us in return is driven home. 

This new moon offers you the opportunity to consider where you can be more generous with others, and where in your life you can allow others to help you. Take a moment to consider how often you’ve asked for something only to turn it away when it shows up because you don’t want to accept it from someone else. Maybe, it’s time to stop doing that and to let yourself enjoy the gifts from the gods that often come to us through the hands of others. Maybe, it’s also time to let your hands be the hands of the gods to bless others as well. 

The Seven of Ghosts (Cups) form a circle, showing the way we tend to go round and round with our desires, jumping from one thing to the next. You are encouraged this new moon to get in touch with what your heart really wants, and what emotional fulfillment really looks and feels like to you. I also find this image to be heavily symbolic in terms of creating sacred space, or a sacred circle. Carve out space and time in your life for the acknowledgement of the sacred.  

Wrapping up the reading is the Ten of Pumpkins (Pentacles), again assuring us of that Libra balance- our hard work and efforts will be rewarded accordingly. This card heralds the completion of a cycle (which makes sense since Halloween is the last harvest and the beginning of the dark half of the year). We will harvest what we have sown in thought, word, and deed. This is an important reminder when setting new moon intentions as well. Enjoy your rewards, have fun, and celebrate. Settle in to spend some extra time with your loved ones, with gratitude in your heart. 

Blessings to you on this new moon. �

If you would like a short, personalized new moon reading to give you clarity about your path moving forward, visit here

Images featured are from The Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee, illustrated by Kipling West and published by US Games Inc. 

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